If that ever happens I hope someone in Israel sends all nuclear weapons throughout the Middle East. Then the world would be indeed a much more peaceful place.

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bet i have thought it through as much (probably more) than trump did lol and yes to me its as insane as talking about levelling and taking over gaza (but yes i think it would be more effective)
lol i despise war

lol israel does not admit having or not having nuclear weapons or some other countries might have opinions on that

Did anyone notice that DOGE isn’t going after one cent of American aid to Israel, which has increased under Trump?

I personally hope that US aid to all countries ends. It will be painful at first, but it will be better for everyone long term for US soft power to end. The only problem is that China isn’t as stupid as Trump and will probably step in and replace US aid, and the era of China as the dominant world power will begin.

The very definition of Zionist right there.

Israel takes a lot of aggression in that area. Nations aggressive towards the United States. They take a share of damage that could be directed at the US.

If people were attacking my home and no longer had the resources to attack you, would you them audit me in my rebuilding and repair? While you are now safe and sound and far away.

May their tongues rot in their mouths before their bodies hit the ground.

You despise war but you are more than willing to have a war to flatten all of Israel. In America that’s called talking out of both sides of your :lips:.

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lol no iam not willing to flatten any country… as i said i think flattening gaza is as insane as flattening israel, but yes i think the latter would be more effective for those that want peace in the middle east

May I ask what Israel has done to deserve that? Was October 7 Israel’s fault?

as i said nobody deserves to be flattened

obviously hamas launched that attack so they are responsible
(how they supposedly managed to “surprise” israel or how its a horrible but natural reaction to years of occupation and bad treatment of palestines is another debate)

Then why did Arafat refuse to accept the offer for their own state? Hamas reject even to recognize the existence of Israel. There could be long be peace.


who knows? maybe arafat wanted more money from the americans, maybe the offers werent quite the same as is told by mr “i did not have sex with miss lewinsky”

but i can easily imagine not wanting to accept any “offer” that doesnt give back all the land that was stolen from you

there would also be peace if the brits never helped establish israel there in the first place

Well, then you should not start a war.

excellent idea!

I 100% agree!

Saw a headline that among young voters who voted for Trump their support for Trump has dropped sharply. Saw a 5 ton truck in Chilliwack yesterday the back all dirty FAFO and other stuff written in the grime.

I don’t see this, Greg. From what I can see, the people who voted Trump are happy with what he’s doing. He’s doing exactly what he promised, after all. They really are that stupid.

I don’t like what Vance said in Europe the other day and apparently basically neither did anybody else.

Narcissist/Egocentric can’t feel sorry, sympathy, or empathy. That one is so narrow minded it can only feel one way by it’s own self descript.

That attitude has to change towards fellow Americans. So does the term FAFO. How about Force Another Fart Out with absolute disregard to brain rattle?

Sounds good? Then FAFO another brainless comment.