Farmers will be getting a boost soon enough.
That person tipped the scales to much in their favor with racism not to mention sugar.

Well, my goodness. She’s a potty mouth.

There’s nothing written anywhere that promises anyine they won’t have a near-death experience. In fact, we’ve been warned to expect it. We are going up against the Federal Reserve and I don’t think they are going to play nice.

Why does it repeat itself? Reminds me of my Mom whining about hi taxes then
Upset they tried to close the hospital nearest their south Surrey condo and liquor storage site. Health care then as now was the biggest item in the budget and the next was payments on the debt so what exactly was the govt supposed to do to cut expenses and lower taxes or at least raise them? Delta General was saved and Mom went there to begin her relatively quick death from a heart attack she drove to the hospital picked up a jug of milk on the way and never stepped outside a medical facility again. I grabbed the milk out of the car after it had been there a few days. I had encouraged the drunk 7 days a week red faced war paint wearer to swim more she did do that and enjoy that when doing 2 weeks a year in Palm Springs but she demurred.

Regarding the farmers I remember Whoopi Goldberg doing a skit about Reagan screwing the farmers but the fact is farmers supported him in both elections he won the rural farm states. If these massive cuts to spending work who knows what will happen? By work I mean economic growth and wage gains and lowered unemployment. Saw Bill Maher on CNN last night and he said tax auditors by the thousands were gone and another news cast said 300 nuclear inspectors lost their job and no one in Washington DC realized it. General USDE employee slash. They already fired air traffic controllers ugh.

I remember when Reagan ended the ban on various agriculture exports it had gone on so long the media had stopped asking about it so they put a Agriculture Dept head in with Sam Donaldson and the White House media crew to ask the softball question. You notice how Trump poses in front of a big pic of Reagan a lot.

Saw Bill Maher on CNN and Kid Rock as well way more F bombs it was funny and informative but won’t be watching again. That Family Guy episode with Bill Maher and I believe Arianna Huntington was hilarious. Whose leg you have to hump to get a drink around here?

I think I found your clip. Watched the first 5 minutes, which I admit, was entertaining but it’s almost two hours long. I’ll be lucky if I make it to the end.

Nobody drinks here. It’s dry. Hold your mouth open though. One never knows who might piss on you.

No it was on CNN and there was no drinking. The
hump a leg reference is from Family Guy glad I have 27 months of sobriety.

The first 1:45 is what is worth watching. And it’s really worth watching. lol.

Those were Kamala supporters trying to sabotage the Trump campaign.
Don’t get it confused.
You need to take some hits btw.

Fafo more Reggie.

Their pity part is making me ill. They should reject a refund.

i think its normal american behaviour… most dont seem to care unless it affects them personally and financially

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They probably lied about voting at all or voted for Kamala.

Why are American taxpayers supposed to prop up property owners like farmers you got 40 acres some ppl don’t have a home there homeless or they just rent a basement suite or apt.

I saw the demonstrations in Seattle on TV News only hundreds not even a thousand. By comparison remember the anti WTO riots they made a movie with Woody Harrison about it. Or the riots that led to the Seattle Police HQ being occupied for 6 months. Within a year 40% of Seattle police quit their jobs. Washington State is a reliable blue Democrat state.

Trump is bad and vile might even be the antichrist. Biden should have announced he was not running for re-election 2 years earlier into his term. Trump both elections increased his share of the Black male vote.

On a total other note my Linked In and Bluesky are now 3 days in a row running just fine no explanation for the previous problems.

Reuters today says consumer confidence dropped to a 15 month low and concerns about inflation increased.

The story these farmers are telling is that they have signed contracts and the US government is now reneging on them. This is the known style of business of both Elon and Donnie. Make promises, sign contracts, and then renege knowing the victim probably can’t afford to sue.

Agreed. Trump remains popular. Half of Americans really are that stupid. And the other half are just weary. I honestly love the Americans who voted against the Cheeto, but they’re tired.

Amen to all of that.

A lot of these people were acting tough as if they were proud boys and enjoyed the rep without commitment. Nothing for or against from me.

Yes I forgot about the farmers signed contract being violated that is quite bad. I know farmers in Canada expect the regular taxpayers to supply their foreign temporary workers with health care. They also get their farm gas or purple gas excise free so way cheaper than what other businesses like cabs or tow trucks or truckers and trucking companies pay. The Surrey BC farmers market was a complete $20 million dollar flop.

Proud Boys are banned in Canada but not HAMC which shows how gutless the Liberal and NDP ruling cadre is.

Is that Ham and and Cheese?

Changing the acronym meaning and enforcing it really seems to working to end this useless back and forth speech.

I think we should all be given free speech of 100 psi per day. Beyond that you should be required to fafo. If you go beyond that and it will increase with back and forth banter, more brain rattle.

Also a penalty of no speech and brain rattle fafo for long overdrawn conversations and meltdowns.

This could go to 100 ksi. If you misquote or twist someones words, or apply something irrelevant to them. Or you use wording out of context. Just as effective as this may be it calls for drastic fafo.

Fafo to 100 ksi. Ksi is not kilograms to square inch unless there is a clear up of wording, an honest clarification. It is kilopounds.

100 ksi kilopounds per square inch fafo.