yes, lots of people will see what they want to see… even when its not real to others
It might be wise to wait and see how this goes for the US before we adopt their methods. lol.
All exactly the same. Gray Toyota’s. That’s what we pay for.
What’s your quarrel? Would you prefer they drove Chinese cars?
No quarrel. Gray is my favorite color.
They could create some strip malls dedicated to Palestinian business and near a Palestinian community as we seem to have a large Palestinian population. It could be like a Jewish quarter, ditch community. Little Tokyo, little Italy, Oktoberfest, china town, Little Havana etc.
Maybe call it the New Gaza Strip. Lots of restaurants Trump in his former years could have made it wth department stores and hotels even apartments. Even a casino.
Do I understand you correctly, Mark? You want to take the 2 million Gazans in to San Diego?
No. I think we already have 2 million here.
that cant be true, trump said they would be taken somewhere nice and safe…
Seriously we could make an island just like the CCP does for military bases…
It would be better to claim the floating garbage patch and fuse it heat or adhesive to make an island.
Maybe even use Alcatraz. Make some multi unit housing and a school.
Two thousand of the youngest and most innocent are going to Jordan, where it is nice and safe.
lol not quite what he said… “one of the things we can do right away is… take 2000 … blah blah” … .i can do a lot of things right away too, doesnt mean i will, it all depends what they get for it
What they get? I’ll run Google and see if Trump offered them something in return.
Hahaha! Trump threatened to cut off aid to Jordan if they didn’t take some in.
lol yes since 1949 they got around 31 billion dollars in aid from you just to remain buddies with israel… trump will have to sweeten that deal to make jordan take in some palestinians…
Why should Trump sweeten anything when we can cut funding and accomplish the same thing?
oh he doesnt need to do that lol but if you cut funding to jordan, lebanon, syria and egypt then israel might get levelled instead of gaza
Let them cover Israel like a cloud and go read what happens when they do.
I just finished reading your article…
Americans should be grateful that a country which receives billions in American aid is resisting Iranian imperialism, defending our ally Israel, and strengthening momentum for regional security cooperation.
If they want us to demonstrate gratefulness, they are going to have to do more than what they are doing for what we have been paying for. In fact, they should have intercepted and destroyed every Iranian drone flying in Israel’s direction. According to your article, Jordan allowed israel to intercept drones. They should probably reconsider allowing Hezbollah militias within their borders. That seems contradictory to their attempt at a righteous defense of Israel.
now there’s a thought… maybe trump should consider removing all jews from israel and make israel the new beach resort, because honestly i think if israel was levelled then there would most likely finally be peace in the middle east…
You clearly haven’t thought this through but in a way I do agree with you. The penalty for it will be very unpleasant but since you love war you may get your wish.