Europe shall abandon misunderstood tolerance

The whole concept of race isn’t bound to geographical regions AFAIK. He claimed to be of German descent. E.g. I have never heard anybody claiming Uncle A. had been hungarian because of the fact, Braunau had been located in the Austro-hungarian empire by the time of his birth.

Well, this opens a can of worms. Is there a German race? Is there an Austrian race? My guess is that there is no significant genetic difference between Germans, French, Belgians, Dutch, Austrians, and Hungarians. I could be wrong. I have no data. It’s just my guess.

If my guess is correct, then there is no German race and no Austrian race, and geographic regions are all that’s left for those concerning themselves with such silly things. I personally don’t care about his genetic makeup OR his birthplace OR his cultural identity. All those things are just silly window dressing anyway.

You should! The bible also cared! In Mathew (was it Mathew?), the blood of Yeshua is presented portraying his descendence from

  • Adam (man)
  • King David (royal priesthood)
    Even though, I have to admit, that there are some mayor flaws from a materialistic western standpoint. (You know: Ruth not being Israelite at all, Joseph not his biological father, Tamar having been a whore, King David marrying another man’s wife (he killed Uriah totally going against god’s law). Ahhh, it is a mess with us. Ruth the foreigner voluntarily joining out of love almost being the best part of it…

!!Be cautious not to take the wrong medicine overwriting your HERITAGE with strange, artificial genes, so the blood covenant of Jeshuah won’t be able to save you from the lake of fire anymore!!

Race might be the blood line in a very western, materialistic view. Just like the notion of being able to “modify” our immune system by a one-size-fits-all genetically engineered medicine.

amen or i should say r’amen now lol


I say it in short:
Claim Your Adamite heritage today of f’in go to the Lake of Fire

yay bbq time!

Almost there…

No I shouldn’t. Daniel, you are a technologically advanced person if I recall correctly. You’re comfortable with computers and tech. Anyone with such a background can easily see that in just a few decades (perhaps just a few years) our DNA will become a matter of choice. We are ALREADY reprogramming our DNA with MRNA vaccines. Yes, yes, I know you disapprove of those, but let’s set that aside. It is happening, right now, today.

Given this, it is totally absurd to bog down on genes. We are entering an era where if you want to be black, you will type that into your phone and it will change your DNA to become that of a black African. Later that afternoon, if you want to change to become a Nordic blonde, you just type that in and you’ll be ready to lose at hockey to Canada in just a few more minutes.

The things you find important aren’t. I know that’s hard for you to accept, but it is true.

This is sick shit. I won’t take part in this. I prefer death (and possible resurrection and judgement) over the Lake of Fire.

I love my genes.
They are sacred!!
I am of good European pedigree.
My Adamic genes are not for sale!"!!
They are old, tasty, good vine in comparation to this synthetic crap!
Women do acknoledge that, at least some.
I had a woman just recently who wanted MY SEED!!!
You can explain this ONLY with good stock

Do You hear mee!!!??

The problem is nobody needs to buy them. If I suddenly decide I want to be a fat Bayer, I will soon be able to just copy your genes and become one for the afternoon. Or for life. Whatever suits me.

EDIT: This should also cure just about every disease known to man, and may just cure aging.

I prefer suicide over this nightmare

So will most of us after a few hundred years each. I welcome a world where we choose when to die, rather than having that decision made for us.

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I demand GOD to be put in command after Satanic rule of this world has been cast out and bound!

lol dont worry, instant dna transfers via phone is not likely to happen any time soon (if at all) and there will always be diseases… humans may destroy this planet but they will never be smarter than nature

Thank god I am on my way out of this system. Not hastening, but one step after the other. I demand godly, natural life and godly, natural death. And then resurrection.

Gl with that. I recommend the Church of FSM.

Short sighted. Timid. DNA transfers via phone won’t come soon, true, but they will come in time and there will not always be diseases. We will “solve” (solve being used mathematically in this case) the human genome just as surely as we will “solve” chess. Genetic reprogramming will come before even nanotech, and when nanotech comes, the only thing that will kill us is accidents. When cellular reconstruction comes, even accidents won’t kill us. I believe this day is coming as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow. Call that a religion if you want.


Maybe. They rhyme.

This would effectively mean that people could be held alive AGAINST THEIR WILL!!!
My ultimate nightmare…