Elon Musk Madness

He posted something people found antisemitic so now he has to go kiss Israeli ass for awhile in atonement. He’s doing that. All is well.

Elon is having a total meltdown. Again. He does this quite often.

Tesla has really dropped their prices. I wonder how they are doing. I find them to be uglier than a prius.

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His rant was directed at Disney CEO Bob Iger. More than likely for good reason.

The cyber truck seems to be doing fine.

It was a stupid reason. Elon has no God-given right to Disney advertising on X.

I have a lot of respect for Elon and what he’s accomplished. We felt the association with that position and Elon Musk and X was not necessarily a positive one for us and we decided we’d pull our advertising. ~Bob Iger

Obviously it’s his right to advertise his business wherever he wants. This is a one-sided case. Iger is 100% right and Elon is 100% wrong.

He should have the right to free speech without fear of reprisal, but he doesn’t.

You’re 100% bias’taaa!!

If you believe that, where is your anger at ad companies for stealing his rights?

Total nonsense. NOBODY has the right to speak without reprisal and nobody ever has. There are always reprisals. Elon has every right to free speech, and he uses it. Without reprisal? Insanity. Everyone else has rights, too. If you say “f the Jews”, don’t be surprised if Jews don’t buy from you any more. You have the right to speak. They have the right to buy what they wish.

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That is not true, Reg. Any unknown Joe Blow can freely give their opinion. Advertisers don’t take their dollars elsewhere. Even advertisers can offer up their opinion on any subject they want. Musk doesn’t demand they take their dollars elsewhere.

Michele, this is sillier than most of your stuff. If Disney promotes homosexuality and advertisers say “we don’t want to be associated with that so we’re not advertising on Disney”, you say “great, everyone can spend their money where they want”.

You’re getting off topic, Reg. If I may remind you, the debate is about free speech in social media. Who has rights to speak freely and who doesn’t. If Musk posts that he supports Palestine over Israel, sure people have a right to reject that but advertisers, who pay for a service, should not use the money they spend to force someone to hold a particular view. That is blackmail and you know it.

Nonsense. I am EXACTLY on topic. You and Elon are trying to frame this as a free speech issue. It is not.

No it’s not. Free speech means there is no criminal or other government sanction for speaking. In this case, there is no criminal or other government sanction for Elon speaking. Nobody at all is suggesting that he be criminally charged.

You are so full of shit. Nobody is trying to “force someone to hold a particular view”. They are saying, if you permit this kind of thing on your platform, we don’t want to be there. We are voting with our feet. Have a nice day, bye.

Quit dodging and answer this straight question: do advertisers have the right to withdraw their ads from Disney because they don’t like Disney’s promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism? Or are they somehow required to continue to spend their own money against their will on Disney ads even though they oppose Disney’s promotion of these things?

Reg, no one cares if they leave his platform. They are free to advertise where they want but they should choose to advertise in places where their beliefs are most aligned with the service provider. The complaint is that they purchase a service with the expectation that the seller only say things that tickle their ears or not say things they disagree with and then when that doesn’t happen they use their money power to forc…I mean influence the seller to change their thinking.

Why would advertisers purchase ad space in the first place when they know Disney promotes abominations?

Finally some sense out of you.

They are doing that. Their beliefs are not aligned with Elon’s so they are taking their advertising dollars elsewhere.

This is not correct. They purchase a service with the expectation that it will benefit their brand through improved sales and improved reputation. If they feel that is no longer the case, they leave.

Nobody anywhere is trying to force Elon to change his thinking. Nobody really even cares much what Elon thinks beyond the entertainment value of seeing the world’s richest man talking like a child. Advertisers (and users) who leave X are doing so because they don’t want to be associated with it, which is obviously anyone’s right.

Dodge. Don’t answer a question with a question, Michele. It is a straight and fair question that deserves a yes or no answer. Do advertisers have the right to withdraw their ads from Disney because they don’t like Disney’s promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism?

If that’s the case, why did they leave?

I thought they were leaving because sales? It does speak volumes about their character and reputation.

But my only other option is to ignore your questions the way you ignore mine.

Because they felt it was no longer the case that advertising on X benefited their brand.

Correct. It doesn’t benefit their brand to advertise on X. If you think that speaks about their character and reputation, well, we each have the right to make our own judgments on reputation and character but yours are quite silly in my opinion.

Cowardly, Michele.

What judgement? I just said it speaks to their character. Are you assuming I’m judging them as having bad character?

As far as reputation goes, Disney is losing billions on their movies. They also lost 23 million subscribers. You be the judge. You’re better at it than I am.

That is the most complicated socialist anti-Semitic propaganda hit piece I’ve read in a while. I’m surprised you even posted it considering how flawed the journalism was.

What did you find flawed about it? It was clearly marked as an editorial.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

EDITED to add: I re-read the article. I don’t consider it anti-Semitic, socialist or a hit piece. It’s a well written, well supported opinion piece. Excellent journalism.