
I couldn’t care less if they wake up in the morning. They don’t participate in society anyway.

That made me laugh. I see young ppl playing sports and what not.

They have probably lost hope.

I was talking to a 40 year old, 28 year old and 22 year old at work today. We all agreed the 40 and 45 year olds had it better. That meant the 22 year old lose 20 years of her life and have a mortgage of 2400 month or never own, or have a 3800 month mortgage. She doesn’t complain, but realizes there is no hope.

Would you lower your age to 22 if it meant you had nothing? I suppose I’m in the sweetspot. If I was 60, I might have a different answer. I think we have less drive as we age, so finding the fountain of youth would only work if it came with drive, which can happen if you think you’ll be homeless otherwise.

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I see them staring into their phones.

Sitting on their ass pretending they are doing uhhh…something is a great reason to lose hope.

She must be working for nothing but that’s her fault for doing nothing about it.

Idk even that has its appeal, if you’ve faced everything else.

Hahaha…Anal Clooney has her hubby fighting her battles.

Michele, I have no use for this Clooney idiot (either of them, actually) but the notion of sanctioning the ICC which prosecutes dictators and mass murderers is insane.

I could see your point but they aren’t prosecuting anyone in their own country.

The ICC has no country. It is located in Den Haag (in the wicked Netherlands) but the premises of the ICC are considered international territory. It has been given similar status to an embassy, which is also not considered the territory of its host country. The ICC operates under its own legal jurisdiction and governance as defined by the Rome Statute, the treaty that established the court.

Well that’s sort of my point. They have no jurisdiction over any country. It doesn’t matter if they are prosecuting murderers. It’s not their place to prosecute anyone in a sovereign country.

You are mistaken. The ICC has no country, but 139 countries have signed the Rome Statute, and 123 countries have ratified it, meaning they are 100% bound by it.

Even huge countries like Germany have signed it and are bound by it. See this below for example.

I’m not complaining about that. If those who signed want an outside source to play Judge and jury over their countries that’s okay to me. What irritates me is that they wield their power over countries not bound by anything.

They wield no power at all in countries that are not bound by it.

The ICC issues a warrant for war criminals such as Netanyahu. They should have issued one for Bush and Blair but they are cowards. Anyway, if Netanyahu stays in Israel, which has not signed the Rome Statute, the ICC has absolutely zero power over him. If Netanyahu goes to a country that has signed the Rome Statute, he will be arrested and deported to Den Haag where he will be tried for his crimes (assuming the ICC issues a warrant for the scumbag’s arrest).

Again, he will only be charged if he goes to a country that has signed the convention. The ICC wields no power at all in countries that are not bound by the Rome Statute.

Why, are they afraid they will accidentally commit sideways down one of Bush’s oil wells?

They were swift in putting a warrant out for Netanyahu.

That doesn’t take anything away from the fact that they are a captured operation. They quickly served Putin and Netanyahu but it has taken them years of investigation and finger pointing to put out a warrant in Myanmar where they have accomplished nothing. Reporting indicates a bleak future for them. You can’t tell me nor will I ever believe their agenda is upright. It is a self serve system where most attention is given to the highest coffer. In my opinion, someone with deep pockets wants to take Putin and Netanyahu out of this political game.

I can tell you that. I don’t care if you believe it. You believe Trump is a good person. Your opinion doesn’t carry much weight. :slight_smile:

Neither does your belief.

It’s official. Biden is out. He endorsed Harris. Game on. My money is on Trump. I am hoping for Harris, though, as much as I dislike her.

I wonder who she will pick as VP. Probably, Andy Beshear. He’s a deacon. Biden was behind in every swing state, including mine.

Just thinking aloud, she might pick a centrist Republican for VP and say, “Sick of partisan politics in Washington and the great divide between the American people? I am too.”

Steve Manchin lol.

Looks like Harris is getting Haley’s super PAC money. Maybe she will pick a republican. Such a disgusting party, lol. She’s going to get a lot of death threats if she picked a republican, but if she won, it would be the end of MAGA.

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