Dear Fat People

I agree with Michele here. It‘s about tact. But writing one’s opinion on a website is different than talking directly with a person. Online, I would be more direct about what I think about certain behaviour than if I would interact personally with a person. And my directness also depends if that behaviour has only an effect on that person or also on other people. That‘s why I am more blunt to smokers, who have no empathy regarding how their behaviour effect the non-smokers, than fat people, who „only“ harm themselves. You have a problem watching them, well, simply don‘t look at them. And wayyyyyyyyyy worse I consider the negative effect of treating people (I don’t care if that’s just one person or a whole gender) as subordinant or having the need to dominate or whatever you call this non-respectful behaviour. No one sane and healthy would prefer to let the other person in a relationship make the final decision also on topics that person cares about and having a different opinion. And certainly that’s not love but the need to dominate and control their partner instead to enable their partner to grow as well. And this is what love is about. Or regarding prostitution including „just“ strippers. To ignore the negative effects on someone with such a „profession“ or to ignore that most people (mostly women) end in such a „profession“ due to their bad family and/or vulnerable emotional, drug-related or financial situation, is - again - wayyyyyyyyyy worse than any smoker or fat person is. That’s why I don‘t give a damn by such a person regarding their judgement on smoking or overeating. They are the least with a moral right to do so.

It’s nice that we agree. :slight_smile:


I have no ability to understand or share the feelings of someone who inhales toxic fumes for their own amusement.

lol but you do, its what every human does when they breathe…

Well, no wonder. To understand one’s feelings you need to first understand their problem. Inhaling toxic fumes is an addiction not done for amusement but you do share the feelings of someone who inhales toxic fumes.

I failed to finish replying to your comments the other day.

Okay. I may be totally wrong but you are not right. When you say you have your wife “constructive criticism” the other day, did you get in her face and insult her. I seriously doubt you did that. Calling someone a fat pig is not constructive criticism and I find it difficult to believe that you approach your wife in that kind of insulting manner but if you approve f her approach I encourage you to approach your wife that way and see what happens.

No. You’re suppose to treat everyone the same. There’s nothing wrong with constructive criticism but how many obese people walk away from a fat-shaming ceremony thinking, I want to be a better person because the people I’m listening to say I’m nothing that doesn’t deserve to breath the same air as they do? In fact, they say I’m a cancer and should die?

No, Reg. I was recommending you put a mask :mask: on so you won’t smell it and can still function in conversation with the smoker. You don’t have a problem using a mask to protect others from your germs and yourself from their germs. What I mean is, I don’t see you condemning the sick when the can clearly keep themselves from getting sick with a mask on so a mask for smokers should work the same.

No. I would ask them what they need to get started. I would ask what I can do to help and I would tell they to go slow and build on their workout the way math builds on itself. I’m not saying my way is better than your way. But to selectively choose to give constructive criticism to one while insulting another demonstrates bias and in some cases possible misogynistic bias.

I’ve been hard on you lately over your P.R. skills and that has bothered me because I really think you’re a good person but in fairness, you’re the one that opened yourself to what I consider constructive criticism, except the part where I recommended you change, (I took that page from your approach), when you posting that 3 year old fat-shaming video.
I’m not telling that you must change your ways. Your intelligence exceeds that of anyone here. I’m just saying, you don’t have to crush a persons spirit to make a point but if you do, it may come back to haunt you and I do not want you to suffer that way.

I’m certain Hollywood won’t be acting much in the near future.

I wonder if you have the same view of people who dislike the smell of dogs and their shit on the sidewalk, because not everyone cleans up their dogs :poop: the way you do.

I agree with them even. Just like I dislike people peeing on walls or throwing their garbage away right where they stand instead of carrying it to the next waste bin.

lmao the old guy cant even solve simple chess puzzles…

Where should the homeless pee? We just had a hospital close about 4 months ago. I hope they can turn the building into a shelter or some type of housing, but our governor is surprisingly cheap. And not in a good way, lol.

on trumps body, where else?


I haven‘t had the homeless people in mind with my post. But I don‘t think even a homeless persons only choice is a wall. I remember even In Downtown New York I spottet here and there enough tiny green areas. Of course, if those homeless are too sick to walk a few meters…

If they ate the food here they would be.

No, of course I did not get in her face and insult her. I did tell her in about 5 or 10 words that something was unattractive. I didn’t spend 5 minutes softening it before I got to the point. I also don’t get in the face of fat people or smokers. As I’ve told you, I don’t say anything to them at all, unless they ask me something.

You seriously think face masks block the stench of smokers? You’re mistaken. They do nothing for second hand smoke.

I don’t care what they need to get started. I just want them to stop emitting poisons in my face. I gave up trying to save the world long ago. Just FYI, I’m unempathetic to smokers, but not to fat people. I have never smoked but I have been fat in the past.

Why? That is nonsense. Nobody treats everyone the same. I am treated differently when I wear a suit and when I wear work clothes. I treat the drug addict asking for money differently from the nice old couple asking for directions.

You are right to be hard on my PR skills, which are nonexistent. I struggle to grow my business because of those poor PR skills. I also don’t mind your pointing out my flaws at all. When you do, I don’t require that you spend 100 words softening it first.

I hope not. Hollywood should be treated like the tobacco industry. They do as much harm.

So did Ahijah. :slight_smile:

1 Kings 14:10

Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall

Oh look, Nico wants to be part of the adult conversation but doesn’t know how to fit in so he heckles. How clever you are, Nico.

Indeed. So does the Internet and the worst of all, the Porn industry.

I tend to agree about the porn industry (and brothels, for that matter). The Internet is a technology that is overwhelmingly used for good, but is also used for some bad. Better to focus on the bad things and stamp them out. I don’t want to go back to lining up at the bank to do a simple money transfer.

Gunda, you are easily the biggest consumer of Hollywood’s drugs on this site, and by far the most addicted.

what do you mean have been?! lol compared to an average ethiopian almost everyone is fat, perhaps you should force yourself to light one up that might improve your pr skills?

you are welcome and am glad you managed to type your typical intellectual adult response lol

You have your addiction, Michele and Nico have theirs, and mine is Tom Ellis. That’s fine with me.

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whoa, iam no addict, you nazi voter

Very true.

For now. Your addictions come and go, and you never stick to one drug for long. Springsteen, Sting, Mey, House, Knopfler, various other TV shows that I don’t remember. Ellis will be supplanted by a new drug soon enough.

Thank you, Reg, for saying that. You could have told me to F* off but you didn’t act like a child about it. I appreciate your effort.

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thats because you sucked up to him and were tactful