Do not follow another for noone can save you. Follow Jesus. For in Him is Eternal Life. Although you have never seen the world through spiritual eyes, now you will see because you were chosen as was everyone who is with us.
You may start feeling pain around the heart muscle.
It is not your imagination.
I like you the least because you follow Reg about everything. Such a turnoff!
And yet, you and Reg are about to have the same mind.
What’s wrong with you, Dan? Is it more than you can bare? It’s only going to get more painful. Because that is what child birth is. Pain! And it will hurt you because I have authority to make it hurt.
According to census bureau data compiled by House Method, the median home nationwide is now 39 years old, up nearly 20 percent over the past decade alone. In the northeastern states of New York and Massachusetts, the median is much higher, at 63 and 59, respectively, while out West, in Nevada and Arizona, your typical home is still barely old enough to rent a car.
you can’t make this stuff up
and why would you wanna?
several presidents of the united states owned slaves
one (at least) had children with a slave
i think we need to re-examine this whole ownership of slaves question
maybe have a study
Why? Are you investing?