
Congratulations Reg. You should get an award or something, eh? We could call it the Humble Award.

Well. We don’t have a curfew like Reg does. I’m not sure what the Dutch are doing. There are signs urging to quarantine if you have visited Massachusetts. The only things open are pharmacy, grocery and gas but there are no rules about driving or walking around. I’m busier than most around here I guess. I’ll try to clean the garage and cars this weekend. This would be a little easier but it has rained and been 4C for the last 5 days. I think I have gained weight actually during this. I’m a little surprised because my schedule is pretty normal. I think I’m eating more than usual. I don’t know if I’m preparing to hibernate or what. I’m guessing I’m 180. I’ll check soon.

An old friend of mine teaches yoga at this studio. She is putting all her videos up for free. About 4 a week. I definitely have more energy when I do them live. She is quite inspiring. Perhaps the most inspiring person I know. She is a 3rd shift maternity nurse so she would work 12 hour nights, go teach a yoga class after that. Go home. Sleep for 90 minutes and then her 7 year old would get home from school. And she never looked tired.

So her studio is also a gym. I guess this video is 60 minutes . I had to stop 12 minutes in. If you ever wanted to hear that ridiculous northern Massachusetts accent, here it is.

Is that the right video? That’s a guy talking in the video.

Yeah. It’s the right video. This isn’t her yoga class. I could post that here.

The problem with exercising too much during curfew is it makes you hungry. If I didn’t have access to food, I probably wouldn’t exercise too much.

curfews?! lol of course not, that would never get accepted here, it would remind the dutch too much of german occupation

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I think you’d be surprised at what gets accepted these days. People all over the world are behaving in a manner I wouldn’t have thought possible, and the Dutch are just people, too. Freedom of movement is out the window everywhere. People have placed themselves under house arrest willingly. Police are out all over the world arresting people for taking walks in the park. Everything we thought wouldn’t be tolerable isn’t just tolerable, it’s eagerly cheered on by a frightened population.

When he started talking my mind immediately went to that movie “The Town”.

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i think you are overestimating the lasting impact that this corona crap will have (and projecting your own natural compliancy/fear upon others lol)

i guess it depends how long this corona crap will go on for

ok lets do a trump feeling… july feels like a nice month? lol
really i dont see how this could go on for longer than 4-5 more months…
add a year or 2 after that to fix the economy and things should be back to normal

if this corona chaos should go on for 5-10 more years then sure i will believe anything

That’s the problem with fitness. How much work do you think you are doing when your cardiopulmonary is totally shutdown? People just keep doing more and more sets with more and more weight and more and more intensity on cardio…

You will regret life if you keep exercsing like that. Your lips will fell like you mistook hot rust on headers or an exhaust pipe for cinnamon on the rim of a coffee cup.

That’s nothing. There are barefoot familes with old women and children barefoot with deformities, injuries and limps walking at competitive pace in India just get back home. Some have walked over 300 km to a bus stop with no bus then walked over another 200 more km carrying suitcases children supplies etc. They say they can’t stop or sleep and just keep walking at 90% intensity or more despite the condtion of their legs.

I feel miserable about this whole thing, the fitness just makes it worse.

This is because you are still stupid. I made no comments at all about the lasting impact of this pandemic. Like you, I believe that’s dependent on how long this goes on for. I spoke only about what people will accept. The ideas people like you entertain about there being a breaking point that people “would never accept” is a lot of nonsense. People will accept anything if they’re afraid.

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”

— Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

uhm no, because they wont be people any more when they reach that point;)

Actually, that would be trump. For example Michele takes pride in going out without a face mask because trump doesn’t wear one.

i think the main part why many accept these measures is that they know it is a temporary thing not because they believe its necessary for eachothers safety

tell them its a permanent thing and most will not comply anymore

any reason is fine if it means more face masks for those that really need it

I encourage all trumpsters to go without masks.

Listen, Ding Dong. I’m not going out at all but if I do it will not be around people because the only place I have plans to go is the river, fishing, so I will not need a mask. When I do go somewhere near people, I will acknowledge a 6 ft apart rule so I don’t even know why I would need a mask.

It’s MR. Ding Dong to you.

if you go fishing a diving mask could be handy

He did a nice job. The treadmill is ridiculous considering he has land lol.