
Wasn’t that Bizarro superman’s dog’s name? Are you that messed up? How much :dna: damage?

Guess reading news headlines is not your thing binner bozo. Krypto was the dog of Superboy and Comet was the super horse and I left comic books behind a long time ago unlike some dopers.

No you addict. Not your version.

I had purchased a one issue magazine on everything about cryptocurrency. I plan on rereading and it making more sense this time around. I was gifted 2 books on money, one by Tony Robbins and the other by Vogle on mutual funds, the latter is very complex and difficult to retain unless tied to some practical thinking.

I have a few books on stocks I want to give a second reading.

I want to up my financial game from a very infantile starting point. Using apps and playing with some account balances and payoff strategies etc.

I wanted some crypto even if it was a small amount.

Those aren’t your memories. It’s the drugs talking.

I spent a lot of money on comics. Not to make money, just for comics.

I donated all my comics to the Richmond General Hospital ppl like you do nothing for charity or society. Completely sober from drugs 24 years unlike you you lying scared nothing.

Whatever you pathetic liar I am sober and you are a fat almost bald wimpy nothing.

Crypto also makes you a target to lose all you have invested and gained
Also the storage factor and digital key.
I have my own financial plan probably of no interest to anyone but those absolutely shut out by GOD to prove something. Prosperity comes easy for so many. But who it is actually owed to is difficult to acknowledge.