
Keep in mind, there are only 63 cases and only 1 death in the United States. I would like to credit at least one Democrat for that but they have instead weaponized the virus with their calming words. They should be standing with Trump on the world stage speaking positive words. All they know how to do is condemn him.

He has the approval of an entire country.

Dems will never allow that.

That’s laughable and if I felt better, I would. He is loved and the election will prove that.

nice to see you back in the forums feeling better today?
65 confirmed corona cases in usa now

No. I feel like Death.

In a country of 320 million, 65 cases seems relatively small.

aww… time for more chicken soup!

yes thats very very small
all those numbers are probably meaningless anyways since most people wont report in if they think they have the flu and they are still trying to figure out what exactly this virus is all about so they basically dont even have proper tests either

If it weren’t for this busting headache I would think I have it because my only other symptoms are a cough and fever.
Maybe after the election Dems will put more effort into learning more about it.

all is fine, no need to worry… just make sure you dont cough into my direction;)

surely this makes all people realise that every country needs to spend more on military!

Oh, cough* sorry.

I’m not sure I’m following you. What does this virus have to do with spending more on military?

if you spend billions on military you dont have to waste it on healthcare

Dems are more than willing to cough up 8 billion on this virus alone.

With reduced travel volume hopefully safety issues can be taken care of with planes trains buses etc. Always check the other side of the scale and what is being weighed against what.

I hope.
Tulsi Gabbard recommended screening of people coming from places like Italy where the virus is spreading rapidly.

8 billion lol peanuts… thats the price tag for 1 of your military boats

Lots of Koolaid this morning, I see.

Back on topic:

We all need to do this. Ban travel from China and Iran until this is over. It is under relative control right now but it could easily explode.

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It’s the price tag of ONE virus also.

I can’t think of a better place to put this cough* burn
Every time I cough, it feels like my lungs are on fire.

Don’t forget Italy and South Korea.

ban the entire planet except for antarctica and north pole those areas are probably ok

Is it that serious?

only for those that have weaker immune systems

You probably have what I had. Sounds like the coronavirus but we are sick a little too early. You probably have the flu.