
first dutch corona case

oops dutch only, oh well not a lot of information available besides that this person from a dutch city called tilburg is currently in isolation in a hospital and that he recently was in italy

tilburg is a popular place for large carnaval parades, if that person has been partying the number of infected could quickly skyrocket

From Saudi Arabia to Japan.

This way he can either not take blame if it kills 50000 people or give credit to his great man, Mike pence if it only kills 50000 people. Nobody knows who his health secretary is so if the death toll is less than 100000 maybe he figures it will help him in the polls.

And the fun part is that to his koolaid drinkers, that will all make perfect sense.

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As television news channels devoted wall-to-wall coverage to the coronavirus, government public health officials were nowhere to be seen. Sources told CNN that all media appearances have to now be cleared with Penceā€™s office. The move could deprive Americans of sober, science-based advice from some of the best public health experts in the world.

CNN has reported that Trump has been angered that government health experts have contradicted his attempts to downplay the threat from the virus by saying it is all but ā€œinevitableā€ the US will be affected and there will be severe disruption.

Pence is probably praying in his office, on his knees, with no women around. Republicans find this comforting. The rest of us are terrified.

The only thing that concerns trump is his political survival. Pence is a dunce.

Pence is a dunce for sure, but Trumpā€™s needs are slightly deeper. He desperately wants approval. Heā€™s always been rich but heā€™s never been liked and he desperately wants that. He wants people to tell him heā€™s doing well. Heā€™s not of course, and heā€™s an imbecile, but thatā€™s what he wants. Thereā€™s nothing he wouldnā€™t give to be seen as a great hero who saved the US from Coronavirus.

He fears the scientific community. He has muffled their voice in a time of great concern for public health. Many trumpsters celebrate his ā€œassuring the massesā€ and tell us we should be grateful to him. Youā€™re right. He desperately wants to be liked but he is so desperately unlikable.

According to trump, the temps in the USA will warm up in April and help get rid of the coronavirus. Kind of like the flu I guess.

the way this is going the olympics in japan this july might take place july next year?

This is incredible. Coronavirus has killed thousands and heā€™s fundraising for politics.

Wouldnā€™t it be amazing if something so small as a virus costs him re-election.

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Some trumpsters are very happy with trumps calming words. Some would call them fools.

Are Dems now praying for a pandemic to change the course of the election? Politicizing the virus doesnā€™t really reflect well on the Left.