
What is “straight ethnic”?

Hey, Reg…

I know there is code c++. Is there a such thing as +++ in programming code? If so, what does it mean?

Ok this is a bit complicated.

In many languages ++ increments a variable by one, so x++ means x=x+1.

One + simply means add one variable to another. x+y is self explanatory.

Three plus signs in a row means increment by one and then add to the next variable. x+++y means (x+1) + y.

While x+++y is syntactically correct, it is much nicer to write it x++ + y. That is also syntactically correct and is more readable.

EDIT: Since addition is commutative, it’s really best to just write x + y + 1. Same thing but far more readable yet.

It seems some people are already thinking of this.

Johns Hopkins has the best map. Desktop version.

That’s very impressive. I immediately notice from that map that most cases are within a relatively narrow band of latitude.

I’m not too optimistic about this, but I guess we’ll see. USA is doing well with testing, ahead in the vaccine race and plasma treatment. Well behind in other things. Including IQ of the leader.

I make no secret of the fact that I think your leader is a moron and I don’t feel much better about those who voted for him, but I am very grateful that the USA exists and still has a lot of highly qualified, brilliant people looking for a cure/vaccine for this (and other) sicknesses. I’m not looking to reopen the old fight about the US with Nico but I for one don’t judge the whole country by the actions of some, even if they number about 50%.

“The outbreak seems to be escalating rapidly. A week ago the Pentagon confirmed three sailors on the Roosevelt had tested positive and that number had risen to 25 two days later. Since then the number of cases has almost tripled. On Monday, a US defense official told CNN that a second US aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, is also facing a “handful” of positive cases.”

I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be on a ship with this outbreak going on. I can’t imagine these are the only cases, either. Surely every navy in the world is having this issue. The US has the most ships, though, so it could hit particularly hard.

It’s an interesting thought. The worlds armed forces depleted. Maybe some country will want to take advantage of it.

Sadly it should really only take out ships. Nuclear missiles should be fine.

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lol and yet you bring it up once more and try to speak for me, ok lets try again;)

america is a big beautiful country and i have nothing against it or any other country, i think its very silly to judge a location on our planet

i also have nothing against people from whatever country they may be

i like and dont like certain actions and will address/judge (whatever you want to call it) those actions and the people doing/not doing such actions, no matter who they are or where they are from

interesting, using animals to test a virus that is not affecting animals

the dutchies with help from the americans are getting closer too;)