
Still that’s not a genuine Colombian experience. You miss out on too much.

I understand you though. Lots of other people you could run into in an elevator, why pin the tail on that guy?

Your melting dude. Not looking good. You realize you can’t just break down and deteriorate without affecting others especially in your community.

And with your fat and diabetes you are susceptible to a blackout and vision loss, that wouldn’t be very convenient and I’m sure not attractive to others.
But you don’t care about your body or life anyway.
Would it be in the condition it is if you did?

He would probably fill your ears with what they’ve done to steal the election and how thankful he is to be living outside the states.

I thought that was an interesting article. The part that really caught my eye was the ex-FARC member who asked our US Congress with help brokering a peace deal with the right-wing Duque government.

You know our government is going to jump on that. Anything we can do to assist the drug trafficking criminal gangs in processing and distributing of hallucinogenic substances in their lawless territory.

Don’t forget the pedophile baby eaters Michelle.

Is that a confession, pedo?

I am no pedo, cunt.

That was my mistake. No need for you to apologize. Your utter contempt and raging attitude is on display. Please, continue. Get it all out.

I’ll use it as circumstances require.

Do as you see fit. You make me the person I am with your mind numbing words.

If you call me a pedo expect a strong response. Do you ever think first? Don’t blame me for your shitty personality.

I could call you sweet and you would make my words turn sour.

About you? Yes

I don’t. I give you all the glory, your greatness.

Found a tiny little Colombian store in Vancouver. Isa bought some horrible candies that remind her of her youth and I bought a Colombia flag mask. I love it.


Have you gained weight? Maybe the mask just makes you look fat. :woman_shrugging: Don’t shoot the messenger. Even in your profile, you look heavier. I’m not trying to be insulting. You needed to put some weight on. I like the mask though. I have one too. Trump 45

No insult taken. I have gained 2 kilos. I am now 87 kilos. 191 lb.

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Looks like the minimum income to pay taxes has been lowered in Colombia. Resulting in violent protests and death.

Yes, but the government withdrew that bill a few days ago after the protests didn’t subside for a week. Now the protests continue but they have lost legs since the bill was withdrawn. Duque (the president) is an ass but I wish Colombians would realize that this endless lockdown must be paid for eventually. They seem to think they can just lock down whenever there’s a flareup with no other consequences. Now they’re clueing in that people die for reasons other than coronavirus, including starvation.

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