
Then why are the airlines going bankrupt?

Globalization is the promotion of a global economy, where companies can operate and sell on an international scale. This requires travel.


You are not making much sense this morning. The airlines are going bankrupt because we shut down the world for COVID-19 and stopped travel. Those AGAINST globalization should love this lockdown.

Neither are you.

Globalist are causing it.

Truly, I do not understand your logic at all but whatever. I’ll go along.

I’m loving this lockdown. It’s so much fun fun. I hope we can keep ourselves isolated for all eternity. No more hugs from our parents. No more kisses from our grandchildren. No more love. Wax cold. Yeah, I’m loving this. I want more of it. The more the better. If isolation is empowering, You should feel like a King by morning.

Then go Michele. Go forth and hug and kiss and cough and sneeze.

You go forth first and bypass this global bankruptcy in exchange for globalization.

This is the dumbest non-Nico conversation I’ve had for awhile. Globalism is all about travel. Globalism requires travel. To say globalists are the cause of the shutdown of travel is lunacy. Globalists hate the shutdown. Globalists can’t operate in this shutdown. International trade (globalism) has been drastically affected by this shutdown. Globalists want to eliminate borders and let the globe operate as one cohesive unit.

there is a nico in all of us…

You are, online.

That’s probably because you are under some dumb spell right now.

Only a tiny percentage of trade is online. The vast, vast majority requires ships and planes and trucks traveling long distances.

Anti-globalists should LOVE this shutdown. It is exactly what they promote. No international trade and everyone just makes their own crap in their own area. That their own crap is decades behind the stuff sold next door doesn’t matter because globalism is evil somehow.

Of course, anti-globalists tend to be wingnuts who don’t even know what they believe other than “globalism bad” so whatever.

I never said that

That is changing according to Amazon sales.

I’m not disputing this. I’m disputing how much of this is needed in our new globalized world.

That is so twisted I can’t even believe you are saying it.

Do you somehow believe globalization will change that? Hahahahaha!

It is evil not because it’s modern but because it’s controlling.

Of course, globalists are self-absorbed totalitarians who don’t even know that their belief is evil because its work provokes and calls God down from Heaven.

It’s becoming quite evident that you don’t even know what globalism is. You just use the word to mean “everything I don’t like”. It’s a catch-all for RWNJ conspiracy theories. Loony stories about Bill Gates trying to control the world through vaccines is “globalism” to you.

It’s not.

Globalism is the promotion of free trade between nations. It is the idea that a few international giants like Samsung, Apple and Google selling phones all over the world will result in better phones than if 100 tiny phone makers each make crappy little phones for their own home markets only.

This idea is now being challenged because of coronavirus, which has exposed our dependency on China. Some are saying the added efficiency of globalism isn’t worth the price of dependency on a few giants. This will be sorted out over time but I doubt people will be clamouring to buy US-made cell phones anytime soon.

I repeat: anti-globalists should love the lockdown, and the fact that you don’t see this indicates to me that, again, you don’t even know what globalism is, aside from your catch-all phrase for wicked evil left wing conspiracies and taking the mark of the beast through vaccines and other such lunacy.

Try to wrap your mind around it. Globalism is the promotion of free trade between nations and the minimizing (or elimination) of borders.

It’s also evident that you aren’t listening to me.

I love the technology globalism has created. The way online communication has allowed for global trade of everything everywhere. I just don’t like where it’s going to take the world. Stop treating me like some child that doesn’t understand what you are saying. If you want a different answer, look to your own understanding and make corrections there first.

Loony? You think ID2020 is LOONY? You no doubt support contact tracing. It’s mind control and global voyeurism, you pervert.

You support the richest people running the wealthiest corporation who are controlling all of this while you also support bankrupting the same 1%.

That’s not true. The same globalist that are using the virus to gain global control of the masses are being exposed which is challenging China’s agenda.

I see it twisted like a pretzel which tells me a globalist has no problem fulfilling prophesy.
Romans 1: 25

No one can possibly love this lockdown, well except someone who profits from it. Should we go see who besides MICROSOFT is profiting from it?

That’s probably a good thing. Our phones are plastic and covered in coronavirus.

Denying the truth does not make it less true. But it does reflect as ignorance on your part to think it’s not going to happen. But everyone knows you don’t care because you are as stupid as any Muslim on the street that believes the mark is a sign from Allah they they are even looking for and eager to take.

I already have, Hardhead. I can only support globalization to a certain point and then it becomes evil or can you not wrap your mind around that.

another excellent monty python sketch;)

dont you have an iphone?

That sucks Reg.

I originally thought that the second wave would come here in January. That there would be a lull in September. We may have peaked up here, but we haven’t decreased. Now I’m hearing that school might not reopen until January. So I guess they think January might be better than September. Interesting. So it looks like this will last the year. I assume we will have mail in voting fairly soon. Unless they get rid of the USPS.

Rumors, unless you can provide a source for reliable information that confirms your statement.