
Is that a reference to the ā€˜Spanishā€™ flu that was first found in Kansas?

Spanish flu - Wikipedia.

violent protest break out in atlanta

atlanta might be in china
you donā€™t know unless you read great literature

It looks like bitcoin has tanked.

are ewe a financial genius as well as a photographic won?

Iā€™m hoping bitcoin goes back to being worth 50 cents, which is still more than itā€™s actually worth.

this might make a good story
especially if there is corn in it

It must be a coincidence that the largest military buildup in Chinese history is taking place at the exact same time the Euphrates River is drying up.

The Chinese are getting fat. Prosperity appears to lead to infertility, obesity and possibly to rising rates of homosexuality.

The UAE are siding with China.

This is an issue. I donā€™t want China spying on me and I canā€™t believe any American would choose to have Chinese surveillance and policing in their neighborhood. Saying itā€™s to monitor their own citizens is just a cover for the bigger picture, which I believe is complete control of our citizens and I very much value the freedoms I have.

This is the first real protest I can remember seeing in China in the Xi era.

They welded the door. There are no words to describe how cruel these people really are. I fucking hate people like this.

Apparently, they welded one door and wired another.

I begin to wonder if marriage should be forced. Or at least heavily incentivized. Something like get married for the first time, get $100,000. Get another $100,000 for each child. DNA testing required to see if the child came of the marriage. Get divorced without cause, pay a $500,000 fine. Divorce with cause, no fine. Remarriage gets you $50,000 but the same $100,000 for each new child. All of this money would come from new taxes that only applied to the unmarried. Just thinking aloud.