

1 Like

Good move. Although the fact that I said that means Rivian will probably double in value in the next year.

Ahh, they must have sold you the cheap kind.

Actually, it was $175 and I didnā€™t need brakes after all. Engine filter, oil change. They charged $15 and were going to fail me for a dirty cabin filter. It takes 2 minutes to change it do after I whined, they took the $20 "labor " off. Smart move on their part. I wouldnā€™t go back otherwise.

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Iā€™m interested in knowing why you went there in the first place. For less than $100.00 you could have changed your own oil.

If you had changed it, you could have knocked the dirt off, recycled and saved yourself $15.00. Glad you were able to pocket that 20.

only u gotta b smart to read it

the world health organization has people on staff that watch gracie
the national security agency has people on staff that watch for:
how often that sentence appears in the punkā€™s search engine optimization

It was approved.

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I heard about this. It wonā€™t affect commercial lots at all because they all have EV chargers. Gas stationsā€¦they donā€™t tend to have a ton of parking spots here. Iā€™m thinking most of them will have to pay the fine.

Interestingly, last night I had drinks with friends and one of them had done an analysis of how much he saved with his electric car over gas. His calc was that it cost 4 times as much to buy gas than power. He charges at home so it may only be 3 times as much for someone like me who has to charge at power stations. Anyway, for the amount I spend on gas, thereā€™s no way a 60% savings justifies an electric car. At some point an EV will become logical for me but 2022 is not yet that point.

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Ive had no car payment for 4 years. You can buy a lot of gasoline with no car payment. It is pretty much impossible for me to get an electric car without a payment.

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Iā€™m currently spending about $300/mo on gas. Reduce that by 60% and Iā€™m saving $180/mo. Thereā€™s no way I can justify a $75,000 expense to save $180/mo. Thereā€™s also the very real possibility that gas prices will drop in the coming months, which means the savings could be less than $100/mo.

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Any savings in energy would be evened out by insurance costs.

Iā€™m probably spending $250 on gas per month, but I carpool 2 days a week, so that saves about 30 dollars a month.

thatā€™s fastenating, nicky
you deserve a meddle
order of the fucking moron
first class

should i fuel my car with fossil fuel?
or should i charge my car with fossil fuel?
letā€™s ask the experts!
join bbad today!
itā€™s worth the price%

I just got the same dash cam.

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It looks like we are going to go with 15% ethanol at the pump. As opposed to 10%. Do you anticipate any problems with this? I guess it will eliminate any need for Russian oil.

I guess switching from 10% to 15% ethanol will reduce gas prices by 0.1 USD/gallon.

Or about 2 cents per liter.

I know nothing about ethanol but I have to think they wouldnā€™t be switching if a lot of smart people hadnā€™t said itā€™s ok to switch.

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