
I think if someone were provoking me to unfriend them I would oblige.

I have but thanks for the sound advice.

You unfriended me? Rude. lol. You’re the one that asked me to be FB friends!

Hi. I’m Will. I’m here to help you.

I can help you with your vocabulary, grammar, spelling, fact checking and offer advice on many questions you might have. You will find that I am friendly and generous with my time. I invite you to take advantage of the opportunities I offer you.

You told me to do it. Make up your mind. It’s been two years and we have yet to celebrate a Facebook Friendaversary.

Days ago! :roll_eyes:

Hi, I’m Michele, your last victim. By “last” I mean you will never have another as long as I have a breath left in me.

Not that gullible but thanks for the outstanding offer.

I never said the Bible made any such prediction.

You always do this. You read something I post and immediately, every time, conclude I’m saying something I’m not saying at all. I think you should seek counseling for your condition. I know someone who is friendly and generous with his time should you decide to take advantage of the opportunity.

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Basically, you are the one who described it as a world filled with turmoil. I simply agreed.

I don’t do those anniversary things. I didn’t tell you to, either. I said you should feel free to if you don’t want me to notice and comment when you make/delete political posts or other such things. Anyway, I see you refriended me this morning and I accepted.

Nope. In fact I expect far less turmoil once we shift from capitalism. I predict a world where tech does almost all of the work. In such a word, capitalism is dead. The Bible believes the opposite. “If a man does not work, neither shall he eat.”

Getting whiplash yet?

lol, not yet. I like that we’re FB friends somehow even though I don’t recall ever interacting with her there. Dan and I occasionally trade comments there but nada with Michele.

I don’t do those anniversaries either. It was just a vocal observation.

Tell me? You don’t “tell” me anything, ever.

I love these little restarts.

Note to self because I may lose count: This would be the 3rd.

In a world where tech does the work, what do the millions of people whose jobs were replaced by robots do? Are you saying that won’t make life rough for people? That people won’t suffer financially?

I admit, in my befuddled, mentally challenged mind I don’t understand your logic.

It’s like talking to a wall.

Correct, things will be vastly better for those people because we will have no choice but to abandon capitalism and support those people through universal welfare programs. We are going to see the first example of this when tech takes away a million driving jobs in the US over the next two decades. As I often say, those guys aren’t all going to go become programmers. Your nation will either help them or let them starve.

And who is going to pay for it if millions of people are going to be out of a job?

The state, of course. Again, the entire system of capitalism is going to need a rework.

In the meantime maybe your hubby could get you in the fracking business so you could enjoy fucking up the environment while you get some extra cash for that robot you’ll be needing.

You said Communism would be the new norm so why would there be a need to rework Capitalism? Where does the state get its money?

Why don’t you blow your toxic smoke in the same direction as your nearest nuclear waste disposal.

I didn’t say communism would be the new norm, although it might be. I said we’d be forced to take steps towards communism, specifically higher taxes on the rich, more government programs and services, a huge social safety net for those who can’t compete, government involving itself in areas it hadn’t in the past, and so on.

Tech is going to do almost everything in coming decades. How many window washers will there be when drone tech advances to the point where a drone can clean an apartment building’s windows perfectly in an hour for $5? What’s going to happen to those men?

Michele, you are one husband away from needing government help.

Society needs to help its weakest.

Who is going to be rich if half of the wealth of a rich man is dispersed amongst the poor and now middle classes?

That implies society does nothing. And yet our taxes pay for government funded food stamps and welfare.

Nonsensical post.