
Can’t see it. Is that Sony Listen?

Leon Spinks died. If you’re old like me, you’ll probably remember him. If you’re not, you won’t care.

And yet there is nothing strange about the fact that the number of celebrity deaths have more than doubled in the past year.

is that a fact?

A nice long read. Should take someone like you no more than 5 minutes to wiz right through it. Let me know what you find out.

twice as many celebrities live in cities nowadays
and those burn quite easily
to the ground

When the average number of deaths per year is 30 but there were over 70 last year, yes, in fact, the number of celebrity deaths has more than doubled. In fact, if it’s not a fact, you need to prove that it’s not a fact because right now, it’s a fact.

It’s hard to say what defines a style especially with the broad range of weight classes. It is hard to say a style is a style or have a style. But this is definitely Cuban. These moves aren’t for me but I might try them when my workout program allows. I’m not doing anything boxing right now. But this is all footwork. And when it is connected to the upper half then the style really flows and is expressive.
This guy is sleek, quick, and clever but I don’t think his moves are for everyone. they definitely work for him. But new moves are new moves and help you to find your true moves even if you stumble.

Better footwork makes you a better boxer and better puncher. And when the legs start to part ways at the waist or hips you better be able to bring them back under control. Getting to feel them there counts a lot. Best way to do that is with drills focused on footwork not just standing still and throwing combos.

The Cuban style is really classy. It’s like watching a Broadway tap show. Of course the box step is different in dance than it is in boxing.
This channel has some really good drills. Multi faceted in minutes.

and now biden killed bob saget
the horror

Marilyn Bergman, Oscar-winning composer, dies at age 93

biden been busy

Michael Lang, Woodstock festival co-creator, dies at 77

those people would still be alive if they had bought the trump calendar