It is both. You’re too lazy to go out beyond the once a month visit to the doctor.
You also are using this lockdown to stay home when you know good and well there is no reason for a lockdown. I’m not complaining. It’s good for humanity that you stay indoors.
Only the sick need to cover their faces. No doubt, at the very least, you fall in that category mentally.
I can only thank God I was spared that misery.
No need to hold it against them when you can just blame them.
They gave you an education which puts all sorts of holes in your revelation that they were bad parents.
It’s a pity. Your education is useless. You choose to go down in history being known for all things negative.
You aren’t going to be remembered for being good. Your site name confirms that. You’re not going to be remembered for educating others because you circle logic with reason. You won’t be remembered for truth because you lie about the truth.
Your education is useless because you help no one with it.
Don’t worry, Reg. You are a victim of jewr parents, sort of, just like all of us. He should have stayed as a good old, however well literate muslim goat herder in mal-Asia, occasionally taking the family over to Brunei Darussalam in his old Mercedes-Benz to watch the public hang*** of buttybois for recreative purposes and enjoyment…
I am not too lazy to go out more than once a month. I went out many times per week before the lockdown. Laziness has nothing to do with my current habits. It is true that I am “using this lockdown to stay home when you know good and well there is no reason for a lockdown” insofar as I agree that the lockdown here in Colombia is pointless and I stay home anyway because I don’t want to be arrested and deported.
I don’t blame my parents. They were imperfect people but who isn’t?
Michele, I’m not going to be remembered at all. Neither are you. Neither is anyone, including the most famous among us. Just do your best and forget about your legacy. The world will get along fine without any of us.
Nonsense. I’m not a victim. I’ve had a great life. A very imperfect one, but it has been full of challenge, wonder and adventure. It’s also not over. I hope to move to Europe in 2022 or maybe 2023.
Oh that’s right. Your father was abusive and your mother was a crazy slut. I’m more than willing to blame them for your character flaws and failure to reach full potential if you’re ready to confess that they failed you and miserably.
Kids are the least likely to be infected and most, that I know of, dont get that sick. Doesn’t that make you question why they are making our children who go to school wear masks all day but from the beginning they have allowed long lines in grocery stores with no mask? More conditioning but that’s not your problem because you have no children.
I have nothing to be remembered for. You made a name for yourself.
Where does that come from? Adam Weishaupt is being remembered for his nefarious works. How is it we are reflecting on these lives if they are not going to be remembered for their works, regardless how evil?
Why should we do our best? What’s the purpose of that?
Do our best so it can be forgotten upon death? You’re a useless teacher of hopelessness.
Everyone will be forgotten, Michele. It’s only a matter of time. Who was the greatest caveman? Right, nobody knows or cares. Who was the greatest painter of hieroglyphics? Right, nobody knows or cares. In a few decades, nobody will know or care who Britney Spears and Justin Bieber were, and only historians will know or care who Barack Obama and Donald Trump were. Remember Eminem? Twenty years ago, he was everywhere, perhaps the most omnipresent artist I have ever seen. Today he’s forgotten, as well he should be. In a century or two, everything we know will be forgotten and the race will have created an entirely new history for itself.
Chadwick Boseman died. I found out through my Marvel Strike Force game app. He played T’challa in the Black Panther who is actually The Black Panther. I actually have been using nothing but my Wakandan team in the arena and blitz games.
I found out because CBC decided this was top news. I had never heard of him. I don’t hate him but I don’t care that he’s dead, at least not more than I care about the other million people who died today.
it was cancer. By black lives matter I don’t mean the organization. when something affects more than just one individual of a particular labeling then all lives matter.
You’re the only person who will be forgotten. You’re not even worthy of a memory.
Adam was remembered.
2000 years later Noah was remembered.
2000 years later Jesus was remembered for His passionate love, zeal for life and His death on the cross to cover your stomach-turning, shameless sins.
You are a complete Buffoon. You just gave glory to musician who sacrificed nothing for you.
Do you people see what this near retard just said. Let’s review. This idiot just paid homage to a mere man and then declared his memory nonexistent.
What kind of history, Reg? What do you thing the future holds? Let’s not get to far ahead of ourselves lest your stupid head explode. What does your over-educated intellectual mind tell you about the next 7 years?
Adam, Noah and Jesus were fictional characters. They don’t count. Even as such, do you not realize that 2000 years is the blink of an eye to the cosmos? In another 200 years, Adam, Noah and Jesus will be forgotten. In 2000 years, Socrates, Pythagoras, Da Vinci and Newton will be forgotten.
You get excited easily. I did not give glory or pay homage to Eminem. I dislike Eminem. Either way, he was omnipresent and is now forgotten.
What do my predictions for the next 7 years matter? I’m generally wrong with my short term predictions, as are most people. In the long term, I expect capitalism to die, robots and AI to do most work, and I expect humans to quickly die out over the next few thousand years.