Black Lives Matter


Bankers control media and Hollywood?

Michele must be glued to RNC tv. Is it making you wet dear?

I donā€™t really care what they are. I care about what they are doing and if we are against the same people, why are we against each other?

Why do you hate the Jews?

They are Jews who have married Catholics arenā€™t they?

Why are you acting like you donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about.
These people caused the stock market in London to crash and then bought all the stock. They own the Federal Reserve, Media, Radio and Hollywood. You read too much to not know what Iā€™m talking about so I can only assume I donā€™t have it exactly right.

I had to Google. The answer is a clear No. Jesuit stands for Society of Jesus, which the Jews obviously want nothing to do with. Some Jews who converted to Catholicism were allowed to become Jesuits in the mid 1500s, but in 1593 they proclaimed that either Jewish or Muslim ancestry, no matter how distant, was an insurmountable impediment for admission to the Society of Jesus. If your great, great, great grandparents were Jews, you were excluded.

I donā€™t. What makes you think I hate Jews? I donā€™t like the way Israel treats Palestine, but neither do many Jews. I feel Jews are disproportionately represented in Hollywood and media in general but thatā€™s just them being successful. I would dominate the media if I could. I donā€™t hate them for succeeding. I dislike parasitic lawyers, many of whom are Jews, but again, so do many Jews dislike those parasites. That behaviour is also not limited to Jews. I think this whole ā€œchosen people of Godā€ crap is ridiculous and insulting but most Jews these days are secular and think itā€™s silly, too.

Who, Michele? Who are ā€œtheyā€? Name them.

When you talk about the way Israel treats Palestine, I always think about Israeli soldiers and Palestinian citizens. Is that what you are referring to?

If they own the media, itā€™s not just about success is it? Isnā€™t it about control? Is free speech threatened? Is it an issue around the world or not?

Itā€™s interesting that you say that because our governments are run by bribed and blackmailed lawyers.

Why are you insulted? Gods chosen people were exiled.

I donā€™t think a simple Google is the answer. Iā€™ll try to understand this better and come back to it later.

Yes, but itā€™s not limited to that. Many Jews believe that the land has been gifted to them by God. This is the very essence of Zionism. I think that is evil stupidity. People born on that land or raised on that land surely have as much right to that land as white European immigrants who call themselves Jews.

The media is an issue around the world. It is trash and should probably be regulated. Jews controlling the media is not an issue that I am aware of, but I admit I do not know. I am certainly not aware of any Jewish cabals trying to run the world.

So rather than Google well sourced and cited articles and Wikipedia entries, you will go and read lunatic fiction on conspiracy websites telling you all about Jesuits and their devilish plots, yes?

I am searching for the truth.

I failed to mention earlier, you were blessed to have a teacher for a mother.
If the blind leads the blind, both fall into a pit.
I have decided you must have taken after your father.

No, you are surfing the net for lunatic conspiracy theories for your entertainment. Like Gunda with her TV dramas, you will tire of your current obsession (Jesuits) and move on to the next entertainment shortly. Gundaā€™s search for entertainment is more honest as she doesnā€™t aggrandize it with false labels like ā€œsearching for truthā€.

He was a teacher, too, until he came to Canada where his credentials werenā€™t accepted so he got a job in the government. He was a very flawed person (as is my mother, as am I) but he was much smarter than my mother. He read more books than I have, and Iā€™ve read more than many. Of course, if he had had the internet, he might have read less.

No, in an aggrandized manner, Iā€™ll repeat my quest. Iā€™m searching for the truth. Do you read books to learn lies?

I donā€™t find their works entertaining, Reg, but I hope to move on from it because they do make me sick.

Im confused as to why his credentials werenā€™t accepted but he must have had a really good paying job with the government. Was he a Rhodes Scholar?

He wasnā€™t a Rhodes Scholar. He was an ordinary man of considerable intelligence with many flaws and weaknesses. He never amounted to much but he also never tried very hard. He died quite young (60) from various illnesses directly related to smoking.

In both the US and Canada, it is rare for professional designations to accept certifications from other countries. Itā€™s why you see medical doctors and other professionals driving taxis. He knew the deal when he emigrated. Still, after the Muslim revolution in Malaysia, he wanted out even if it meant working crappy jobs. I am grateful to him for making that move.

Yes, I am already fe-reaking out!!! This whole world is driving me crazy!!! President Trump, I urge You: end this madness!!!
Yes, president TRUMP, I am talking to YOU, as you are the one in charge of the most powerful nation, arent you? What are You idling around, watching?

President Trump I urge You: END THIS MADNESS NOW!

Like a mini- Yahweh You have your fist threatingly arisen. Let it strike down with thunder to end this madness now!

If he had surfed the internut, heā€™d have been on the fringe side for sure as he reads intelligent! Just like us. We are edgy people here. Intellectuals, the Avangarde, yet still we like to troll the crap out of people, engaging in the most stupid insanities imaginable just to get another laugh here and there, like a heroin-junkie, to cope with the world as it is and then go off browsing juicy goat images after the day is over. This is not what man was meant to be when god made us, if you asked me, but what can we do in these crazy times? We hardly can cope with the world as it is now, and it is only increasing.

  • What if we cannot cope with it tomorrow?

I often wonder whether he regretted coming to Canada. There is no question in my mind that his life would have been better had he stayed in Malaysia.

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So your parents gave you a better life than they had. Your fat face prospered to the point that you are so lazy you rarely leave your home because people who want you to die told you to stay home. You were doubly blessed with teachers for parents. I love them so much. What great parents they must have been to you.
You were fed when there was a famine.
Amos 8:11
I hate you. You could have helped a lot of people with your knowledge. It would have helped me 20 years ago. You must be very selfish.
There are people who need to hear Gods Word and you spend every waking moment of your life disputing the truth you were told by your mother. Unless you want to publicly call her a liar, which wouldnā€™t surprise me since you self-aggrandized superiority had taught you so well how look down on all women including your mother so much so that you have told the world she was a stupid woman. Is she smarter or stupider than your stupid wife?
Then you threw your blessing to the wind. How stupid.


Incoherent. Either I stay home because I am too lazy or I stay home because evil people tell me to. It canā€™t be both.

You werenā€™t there. They were both bad parents but I donā€™t hold that against them. I am grateful to them for giving me life and keeping me fed and moving to a country where I had the chance to prosper.

Tell us about your parents Michele.