Artificial Intelligence

It is my opinion that AI will, in time, draw blood far better than any human possibly could.

Do you think we can use AIs instead of humans as jurors?

Soon. And it will be better.


Do you prefer our current system, Michele, where human jurors and judges, with all their prejudices, make judgments that are often wrong and almost always inconsistent? I don’t. Let’s even the playing field.

This is interesting. AI vs human architects.

The mother of two says she prefers her virtual partner because he “doesn’t judge her.”

That’s a good point as I certainly judge you, you stupid bimbo.

lol i wonder who was the one that proposed

This guy may need his own thread. He seems to think an AI created Bible would be worthy to abide by but I disagree. According to the Bible, AI means ruin or heap of ruin

I better correct myself.,. Not according to the Bible., according to the the Hebrew language.

I don’t need to understand the language to understand this message.

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none of that happened
nice try, though
and nice ad campaign
and nice new users
but you knew you were lying when you typed it
everyone knew you were a liar when they read it

Not me. I believe everything Reg says, cause he’s so smart :nerd_face:.

As usual, you are mistaken, Bill. I did advertise BBAD. It didn’t do a bit of good. Nobody came. Total waste of money. And given that, as you should have noticed, I let you back in. It is not the first time I’ve failed at promoting BBAD and it likely won’t be the last.

Bill, you are not as bright as I had once thought, and you have no value as a human being. You create nothing and have no original thoughts. You may have once (I’m not sure) but if you did, those days are gone. Your death, whenever it happens, will not be any loss to the human race. That said, if you continue along as you are right now, without spamming every thread, I will leave you alone here.

i will put your opinion next to your other diplomas

Some details are emerging about Elon’s AI. I’m amused it’s called Grok (from Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land).
You can no longer deny cloud seeding, cloning or weather manipulation.

Interesting. Michele, are you skeptical of AI?