Animals and Reptiles

The evolution or life stages. He starts at 6 foot 3 and 300 pounds but goes from height weight variable as well as his shape.
The end form I had trouble figuring out. I see sea turtle in the early stages and just kaiju with turtle elements and gills. Also seems sea gull like. The latest version is a turn off to the character unless they use a classic skin and then it gets to be something like Groot or a frozen tree.

That girl has a great voice by the way in the animal video. That’s a fun channel.

Your videos have an appearance of something violent and too gory, especially the maggot video.

Holy crap. I had to read this twice.
I wasn’t even aware of “service dogs” existing.
I instantly was thinking about some A.I. robot crap that will be policing our cities soon enforcing pharma-fascism “new normality”.
But I guess this is referring to a classic dog like for the blind.

Yes, for the blind and others who can benefit from the assistance of a trained dog. They wear vests so people can immediately identify them as service animals. It is very good to know that if one approaches me, I should follow it to help if possible.


Yes, I didn’t know that.

i have two deer in the back yard this morning
i put out a salt lick and ten pounds of turnips
the acorns are from god

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The American thing to do would be to shoot them.

The globalist thing to do is steal it from the American, butcher it to death and then burn it.

Wait, I thought globalists were mostly American. Soros, Hillary, Obama, Gates, etc.

Shows what thinking gets you.

Who are the globalists then, Michele?

truth and words don’t matter to an okie moron
butcher is what you do to a carcass
a butcher does it
perhaps you could torture or torment a deer to death
you could butcher it after that

Shouldn’t you be telling me that?

she didn’t answer
she doesn’t know

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She doesn’t know
she didn’t answer

where i live, there is gunfire ALL the time
not just hunting season when the assault rifles sound around dawn
but the weekends
i think some of my neighbors have bump stocks
i know you can’t hit anything firing like they do
i think they race each other, see who can empty the clip first
i pray there is no beer involved

Anyone who is not in Christ is a globalist. Do you feel a special blessing?

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God is a globalist, Michele.

Galatians 3:28 ESV

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Romans 16:17 ESV

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

Leviticus 19:33-34 ESV

“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.