Animals and Reptiles

Quite a turn at the end.

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I love that clip. I see those lions in Lola, except she sleeps all day and doesn’t really do anything.


I thought the same thing. My cat is lazy but she would make mean faces and likes head butting. And my tree.

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Our cat does the same thing. She just loves the Christmas tree.

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She just went from sneezing for 5 minutes. To cuddling and purring for 15 after I turned the humidifier on. I just got up to eat and its tree time.

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interesting, but why on earth anyone would call some microscopic parasitic cells an animal (except for the media attention) is beyond me

It is an animal. Animal doesn’t imply complexity. Even the Dutch are considered part of the animal kingdom. A lesser part but still a part.

Do you roar from time to time? You don’t have to be a lion.

Look satisfied and happy to you?

Interesting! I wouldn’t have called that sound a “roar” myself.

These mentally ill people need to be locked up for a long time.

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Thinking about a dog. I wanted a greyhound rescue but can’t find one. Now I’m looking at golden retrievers.


Brilliant! Post photos if you do it.

Now I’m back to greyhounds.

I know nothing at all about dogs but aren’t greyhounds a lot of work?

If you get a racing greyhound they are very well trained and have very mellow personalities.
They will however, take over your couch.

That’s very sweet, Will. You need a well-behaved pet that will love you unconditionally. Mine was taken from me. I’m thinking it was the water mafia.

Forget the dogs, get an emotional support alligator: