Air Pollution

There’s an interesting phenomenon going on here in Medellín and, well, I’m in self isolation so I have too much time on my hands so I thought I’d share.

Medellín has horrible air quality. Not as bad as China or India but horrible. In general, Vancouver’s AQI numbers are under 50 and often under 20. Medellín has hovered between 50 and 100 on good days and is very often well over 100. Every now and then, it goes above 150 which is considered dangerous.

Lately, there are far fewer cars on the road due to the lockdown and a new law called pico y placa which forbids driving on certain days based on your plate number. It’s a way to ration car use. Anecdotally, there appear to be about half as many cars on the road these days.

Here’s the interesting thing. Pollution has gone up. It’s worse than ever. I have no explanation and neither does anyone else. Sometimes things are complex.


ah a population of 4 million so it cant be some guy named migranluna with his old smokey pickup truck causing that difference;)

strange… hmm any new factories opened recently?

None. No new dirty industry of any kind.

Italy has seen a reduction in air pollution. China has seen such a huge reduction in air pollution that some are calculating that more lives were saved (through reduced air pollution) than were lost to coronavirus.

We were all expecting that here.

even worse than bogota…

Yes, but Bogotá is having the same phenomenon. Half the cars, city under lockdown, and yet MORE pollution than before. It’s inexplicable.

I wonder if there is a temperature inversion there.

looks pretty steady… ha thunderstorms, hope reg likes rain;)

It’s always between 25°C and 30°C here (roughly 77°F to 86°F). There are no home heaters in the country to speak of. Even in the colder regions near Bogotá, people just suck it up and use blankets. People cook with natural gas, which is very clean, too.

Heat travels away from its source and smoke away from the smoker.

People could be burning wood in fireplaces with all the stay at home boredom.

That and barbecues.

Waiting on my reel mower.

This should be the thread where the trump speeches go.

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Jaw dropping.

Today is showing the best air quality I’ve ever seen worldwide, at least in the five cities I monitor. Bello is the suburb of Medellín where I live.

I can see how you could become dependent on that app. You are a lot smaller than I am, thus you sample a greatly less amount of air.

Yes, it’s a total godsend.

Now this is what it takes to make a city greener. I totally approve.


Until the Ohio train derailment, I never realized or paid attention to how much the air is being polluted around the world.

I suggest you try the Air Visual app. I’ve been using it for many years. I tells you the air pollution in most areas in realtime. The air in OKC seems fine right now.

It’s usually fine in Vancouver, too.