Air Pollution

I get alerts and notifications about air quality.

These toxins have seeped deep into the soil and that will take years to clean up. Mayor Pete is nowhere to be found. No visit by Pete to East Palestine and no White House concern. In fact, nobody here seems concerned about this either. I’d really like to know why Pete hasn’t shown his face and what liberals think about his handling of the derailment.

Netherlands this time.

a warehouse? lol it was a temporary construction storage site (for the building of some new road) that was most likely set on fire on february 12 (2 kids aged 15 and 16 have been arrested)

Your air has been polluted.

yes, it has been every day since humans settled here…

Air quality in Groningen is fine.

Let’s try not to downplay the important issues when noxious fumes from marijuana smoke offends your sensitive nostrils. Air quality around the world hasn’t been fine in years. These people have deliberately poisoned the air we breathe because we don’t deserve to live. Even the air quality in your own air space has been contaminated. Don’t be like the world and deceive yourself by assume it’s going to improve from here.

I can’t believe I clicked that. I will never get those 59 seconds back.

You didn’t need them anyway.

There just never seems to be enough air pollution to satisfy the appetites of genociders, environmentalists and climate changers.