
I don’t put them together or consider them equal, but it is logical to me that if one is permitted because it harms nobody, so should the other be. The only rational reason to ban bestiality is “omg that is gross”. That’s the truth of it. There is no harm to most of the animals, and we permit killing animals so pretending we are worried about their mental health is stupid. We ban bestiality because we find it disgusting, and if that’s ok, it’s logical to me that it would be ok to ban any other sex act because it’s disgusting.

So I assume you don’t think it should be illegal?

I think abortion and homosexuality should be legal. I think bestiality should be legal in Germany and the Netherlands and for conservatives worldwide.

I think it takes the focus off of your immorality.

Biden is perverted. Perhaps the immoral sniffing fetish is yours?

The Word condemns bestiality.

So if bestiality is banned, you believe homosexuality should also be banned?

Really? You seem a little reserved. The truth of it is that it is an abomination, a curse, as is homosexuality.

True. We don’t even pretend to be concerned about human mental health in the U.S.

Logic tells me that lumping all sex acts together and then banning them would be a perfect population control method. So much for pro-life.

Does that make you anti-life? That’s what it sounds like to me.

I think it’s immoral of you to call me immoral when you are so immoral.

of course you do :wink:

ACLU is suing the Idaho AG. I think they have a case. Actually, they 100 have a case.

What positive advantage can Idaho or any state gain from the ACLU? What do they fight for bedsides the right to murder?

My guess is a state like Idaho gets no benefit from the ACLU.

A state like Idaho? Are you looking down New Hampshire’s child murdering nose at Idaho?

You’re so wrong about that. The ACLU fights for Idaho’s right to murder the unborn children.

A bit surprising to me.

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Even more surprising to me. Somehow I thought you would be more excited over Mexican women’s rights.

Abortion makes me vomit but there’s no going back, I think.

Yeah, but you support our rights to murder so you vomit on yourself.

I bet that makes you happy. Liberalism at work for the world. The French can kill their own babies.

Yes, actually. I dislike abortion, but I dislike the idea of telling women they can’t do it even more.

Don’t those two views conflict?

How do you justify supporting abortion if you are against it?