
You shouldn’t interprete so much, cause you usually do it wrongly. Simply read what I wrote and not what I didn’t. With no word I said, that Columbia provides anything I wrote. That‘s why I said „as long as“.

And as long as the state doesn‘t provide what‘s needed to not punish women for getting children, as long I support legal abortion.

You are very irritating, Gunda. BTW, it’s Colombia, not Columbia.

Don‘t blame me if you interprete things which aren‘t there.


Texas is becoming more blue. Seems like a lot of outrage. Maybe it will change at the state level eventually. I’m not as passionate about it as some. I’d be against it if more people cared about strangers. If we had a socialist society, I’d probably be against it. Ironically.

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I think abortion is ugly and sad. I just think the consequences of unwanted pregnancies, almost always among the poorest, are even worse.


Republicans do best when the electorate is satisfied and quiet; they face disaster when the electorate is mobilized and angry. Texas Republicans have just bet their political future in a rapidly diversifying and urbanizing state on a gambit: cultural reaction plus voter suppression.

from some magazine
i sure don’t make complete sentences

Abortion is regressing to 1950s levels, with full bans all over the world. While a few South American countries (Chile and Argentina) are making it more accessible, states all over the US and EU are banning it. To be clear, I don’t know that this is a bad thing. I am very torn on this topic.

in europe only andorra, liechtenstein, malta, monaco and poland are left with highly restrictive abortion laws

True, but the Poland abortion ban is almost new, enacted in January. Things are far worse today than they were a few years ago for abortion. Or better depending on which side you’re on.

I don’t know why you are torn. Your own post confirms your true view on abortion.

the country that was
then wasn’t
then was, but a little bit that way
then was, but a little bit back the other way
ok you can be on the atlantic
the country that was
then was a little bit less
ok, you can be on the atlantic


I’m going to put this here because I just think it fits the debate.

Now I hate this and I think this will break down the family unit but right is right and they have a right to choose to change their God-given gender. Right?

My convictions tell me changing your gender is as wrong as changing your DNA but what can you do when people hate who they are.

So what is right? Support the right of people to break down the family unit, globally or reject it in honor of conviction?

there is no god besides the one in your head, so wrong

right is whatever people choose to be right for themselves

If there is no God, how do you know what is right? How do you distinguish between good and evil if God and Satan are not real?

Then why do we have laws?