This just totally made my day. This vile malignant tumour on my city has finally been excised. I am honestly filled with joy over this.
Yet another trump bankruptcy.
I’m officially laid off due to COVID-19. A termination and change of relationship. An end to benefits with the option to continue at personal cost. I am defeated.
Well not until Monday.
I’m sorry to hear that, Mark. I hope you can find work.
I’m sorry Mark. Tough times.
Unemployment does not require I look for work. I think I have about 3 pay cycles left on my claim. I should be o.k. for the duration of this year with bills and finances. I would have been worse off financially if I had been working instead of waiting for the axe to finally fall.
Will you start looking for new work immediately, Mark?
I’m going to check back with my employer.
I got some links to entry level lab jobs paying about 6 dollars more than I was getting.
I wonder if more people will go into lab medicine after this. I can only hope so. There are only 2 other people in their 40s in my department. We have 30 total. One of them is the lady that doesn’t know who mike pence is. I think there are 2 in their 30s. Probably 8 in their 60s. 6 in their 50s and 12 in their 20s. The lab will get even younger soon.
If your body can handle 3rd shift you get an extra 17000 per year.
And the air conditioning is nice. The biggest thing is you have to work holidays and inclement weather is not an acceptable excuse to not come to work in a hospital.
Could your job be done by advanced robots, Dan? Not anything that exists now. I mean advanced ones that could exist in the future.
Gates and his ilk are to blame, OUT ON THE STREETS with You, massive action ahead. Maybe you guys have protest camps, too! They are sponsored by outraged anti-pharma, anti-GMO and anti-vaxxing activists, so you’d be good to go in the mean time… until this Corona-socialism together with big pharma ends.
Mark, I’ll show You the most future-proof, Coronasocialism-proof, Pharmafascism-proof, gender mainstream freak-proof, fag-proof job there is, maybe also the tastiest and creamiest there is out there:
Yes the position was related to something like that.
I’m thinking phlebotomy could be done by robots. I thought I’d be replaced but we have more automation than ever and more techs than ever. I’m not sure.
But he notched a key win in the session’s final days last week when the state Senate confirmed his picks to fill two vacancies on the state’s highest court—both of whom would sit as jurors in a possible impeachment trial.
It’s not enough that New Yorkers are funding is escape. Are all Democrats just exempt from accountability? In a new, lawless world, yes.