
Yes, some would. They aren‘t different to other people having an opinion. If taken seriously and respectful, I bet many would be open to it. Not all of Trumps agenda was bad, just like not all agenda of the Democrats we’re good. To dismiss all their arguments by ridiculizing just results in that they don‘t care about arguments as well anymore.

i recently saw an interesting dutch documentary where they would interview about 50 people all over the usa just after the trump/biden election and then they went back just before the trump/kamala election and they talked to them and asked why they voted for trump and confronted them with some things he said and done

some blind gunshooting maga followers but most of them seem to understand very well what trump is about and even called him a fake actor or charlatan and talked about how wrong the storming of the capitol was, but they still voted and would vote for him again… there was only 1 guy that changed his mind and would now vote for an independent

the majority said the main reason they vote for trump is because of how bad their financial situation was and especially religious reasons: god protected him from that bullet and also because the other side sucks even more lol

there was this woman who seemed very caring and smart; she runs an organisation that helps thousands of immigrants providing them with food and chairs/tables etc
she acknowledged and feared trump would deport people and while she was afraid for the people she helped she still would vote for him because jesus would guide him to do what is right…

people are interesting and weird creatures

Yes, there was a similar German documentation I watched, where a German journalist and atheist (which fact he hid from the Trumpsters) even stayed for a few days with a religious conservative family of mixed origin (he was white, she was Mexican). For us Germans their religious mind-set is so strange, like if they come from a different planet. All answers he received were religious based nonsense. Yes, those people are out of reach for reason. But not all of them are religious zealots.

yes there might be even a few out there in the usa that are not religious zealots and not moneyhungry and egotistical… just like there might be a dodo still living somewhere on this planet :wink:

No. A German tv news anchor has a US wife. He told in a political talk round on tv that his wife’s parents are rather liberal and open minded and also voted for the Democrats in the past and for example voted for Obama. But nevertheless they voted for Trump already the last time he came into office. And he explained their reasoning and none of those were based on religion.

ah yes what is liberal and openminded to one… personally i do not consider people that give hitler salutes or who own lots of firerams to be liberal or openminded unless you mean there is a big hole in their head lol

but thats interesting, what reasons?

He didn‘t say anything about his wife’s parents attitude regarding Hitler in that interview. Therefor I doubt they saluted him.

What good can they do without water and why were they called in to help when Newscum rejected help from both New York and Florida?

Biden has committed to 180 days of assistance to those who suffered loss from the wildfires. They also qualify for tax relief, unlike the victims of the Maui firestorm or the victims of Hurricane Helene. That’s fair. He really has demonstrated a great deal of empathy for these victims. The wealthy who have lost their mansions and have nowhere else to go.

I’m not sure what they can do, but probably very hard workers. I didn’t think they were called in. I thought they volunteered, which is more than most have done.

You said you consider being called cheap a compliment. Do you separare it from being moneyhungry?

Two completely different subjects but how hard they work, I agree. Whether they volunteered or were asked to help, idk. I don’t know what you’re talking about when you say “which is more than most people have done” because at least 6 states including Oregon, Colorado and Texas have done plenty. Why are you all of a sudden defending a foreign country over states like NY and Florida who have offered help?

yes, while i can see cheap as being both positive and negative… i can only see moneyhungry as negative

What does that have to do with anything?

I was actually referring to people that are against fema, against mexico helping, against almost everything, but do nothing themselves to help. I believe the people complaining about Mexico have done nothing themselves. I wasn’t talking about Oregon, Texas, etc… it was a general comment on people bitching that do nothing to help.

with what nickscafe asked…

I guess that would be me because I’m against FEMA, but that doesn’t matter. Why do you support FEMA?

I’m not against Mexico helping but you’re right, I was only considering firefighters in America when there are none.

People are interesting and weird creatures, true, but more importantly people are stupid. Trump’s election solidifies my opinion that democracy doesn’t work.

Not in it’s current form, I agree. But I don‘t see any better alternative. But democracy needs to be reformed and I already posted my suggestions for it.

I also see no better alternative.