lol i liked the reaction of this american when he found out which party he should vote for in germany
I don’t understand why the Department of Justice so desperately wants to drop this case or why 7 prosecutors would rather resign than sign the motion.
Simple. Adams kissed Trump’s ass, so Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. This isn’t even a controversial take. Seven prosecutors resigned because they consider it (correctly) to be a miscarriage of justice.
This is suppose to be our intelligence community. There is nothing intelligent about it.
its a training chat to discuss what they can say in public chats to catch more criminals!
(or at least that will be their excuse)
That seems fair.
Canada is not for sale, but apparently the USA is. lol.
He is a pure businessman and his God is the almighty Dollar (I admit, I stole part of that statement from Lucifer. Might even post that scene today, lol).
It’s fun. Mexican crop workers are being deported, but Mexican cartel drug lords who can afford the gold card are now welcome in the USA. lol.
To be fair, also some European states do this, like Malta. Many Russian oligarchs achieved free access to all EU countries by this scheme. Germany does not (as much as I know, lol), but we sell our citizenship for sport talents. Which is just as bad as selling it for money.
Come to think of it - most countries legal immigration laws apply a point system, one criteria of it is also a certain amount of money. Plus or a needed profession skill. Often those qualified people are needed in their home country, which often also invested a boatload of money into their education.
I’d like to take this opportunity to reward Trump’s efforts by acknowledging his gold card contribution that demonstrates just how precious having a Visa is here.
I thought Biden had ruined the country. lol. Anyway, this silly program isn’t valuable to anyone who isn’t a drug dealer or a fraudster or some other criminal who stole a lot of money and now wants a safe haven so he doesn’t get arrested back home. What an ugly place the USA is becoming. Truly disgusting.
The Nazi-style roundups of people opposed to the Orange Idiot are beginning.
I really dislike protests. They almost always turn ugly. Worse is the lazu politicians who advocate protests to “tell government how you feel”. You don’t need to try and stir people up just because your stagnant in idleness. Government shouldn’t sit back and wait and watch for a protest to see how people feel.
It’s already voiced. People get overwhelmed too easily often making problems for themselves and even worse for those they are advocating more.
I do not need this energy Vampire.
All talk no action vs minimal talk (Miranda mostly) and swift and severe action.
Trying to create attachments from others this way with free speech is not going to secure you like some mussel to a support pillar.
He’s not USA and it is official now.
Doesn’t affect me at all, Mark. I am not a snowbird. And I hope this discourages people from doing that in the US. People should snowbird in Mexico or Costa Rica or other places like that. Preferably not Colombia, though. I don’t love most American expats or tourists.
Some people might take offense but if they really want in the U.S., they will accept the label. I think people from Alberta might. Maybe we can annex a section in the center of the country.
This is exactly right. Everyone knows the deal. Accept it or not. I choose not to.
Are you sure? Seems birds of feather do flock together