Marks ride home.
This isn’t really a UFO sighting but it’s interesting.
This isn’t a UFO sighting but totally seriously, I see no explanation for this that doesn’t involve the existence of aliens or prehistoric advanced civilizations capable of flight. I am not asserting this as fact, just noting that I see no other reasonably viable explanations.
Not very advanced artistically.
So it wasn’t a tostada?
What I’m asking you is did you use double down and order the flying saucer from the menu.
Agreed, but I can think of no motivation to draw these (which would’ve been a huge undertaking) unless there was someone up there to see them 2000 years ago.
i feel did discover aliens that lake.
is there poll for zis?
someplace can vote?
Good thought.
- Yes
- No
how are you defining believe?
i predict 50 percent of the american population is whacko and voted for trump
you made up 20%
i predict a buncha old people gonna die this year from the latest virus
you predict 100
leave the predicting to the adults
Untrue. I guessed at about 20% who believe in lunatic conspiracy theories. I’m guessing another 20-30% voted for Trump but don’t believe in those conspiracy theories.
half of america voted for someone who would have gone down in history as the great moron.
had times been more perilous.
now he goes down as franklin ambrose goddamn it what did i step in?
half of america
i like statistuks
that is mocking
Yes. But some might not be capable of space travel and got here illegally.
Lighten up, Bill. Estimating a number is just fine in casual conversation as long as you use some qualifier like “approximately” or “on the order of” or, as I did earlier, “perhaps”. Internet posts aren’t peer reviewed papers. Perhaps on the order of approximately 90% of people get that.
I must be the approximate 10%, even with all three qualifiers in your post, I thankfully didn’t get that.
you don’t know