
Easiest solution is just to fire you from your position Reg.

Can you imagine hard working people being asked by some undeserving superior who is currently on drugs at the time, using and possibly selling not just against company policy but against the law if they want to be fired?

Can you imagine being unjustly fired for any reason as is legal in some states like California a “fire at will” state just to conveniently put a problem off and for survival of the company?

Mark, I own the company. lol. It’s not a big company, but I can’t be fired.

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It’s my say who gets to do business. I don’t say you.

I skimmed the news and was glad to find some good news. Rarely happens. If also only for females in the USA.

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at least i finally saw some protests in the usa on youtube… but geez even germany has bigger crowds protesting and they havent even been taken over by the fascists yet! :wink:

Some of us are afraid to protest MAGA. Fear of violence.

so… did the prices of groceries go down there yet?

Getting there.

that was almost as cringely staged as all the little girls applauding when he signed that paper banning trans women from sports… disgusting



this is getting weirder every day, who can guess his next executive order? lmao

Hahahahahaha. OMG this guy is truly making a mockery of the USA. I’m enjoying it, while feeling a bit sad for sane Americans.

I pity them to, but for a different reason.

Do you support the return to plastic straws, Michele?

(omg I can’t help it hahahahahahahahahahahahaha)

interesting, is elon blackmailing donald with epstein data? :wink:

Well, yes. I’d like to finish my drink before my straw becomes soggy.

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Agreed. I support microplastics in US water, and I support US beaches looking like this.

You support littering on U.S. beaches? That surprises me considering how pristine your bubble is.