I don’t know, but I hope we find out.
We make advances with VP JD Vance.
Reg thinks Trump is too busy. JD is on the job , be aware.
I don’t think Trump is too busy. I think he’s a fat, lazy tub of excrement.
Do you think we can take Greenland? I thought Denmark owned Greenland. I don’t think Denmark would stand a chance.
Who are you asking Dan?
Donald Trump Jr. was making his good presence felt. That’s a good man, they are a good family.
A good heart . How does that sit in your chest?
Anyone that wants to answer. Any snd all.
Forcefully yes. Easily. If the US had a better reputation then even better…willingly.
Target the ones falsely giving the US a bad reputation.
no, americans dont even know where greenland or denmark is…
Do you support the US going to war over Greenland, Mark?
You’ll find out.
I’m the coming weeks you will be subject to such immense might and force of will that you will be unable to oppose any action by The United States. You will be awe struck and paralyzed in both body and mind.
You will be humbled and if still belligerent you will be broken of spirit.
You’ve predicted this sort of thing many times, Mark. It never happens. It won’t happen this time, either.
That’s your impotence speaking out. That’s irrelevant.
You will be pressed.
You better yield and not just in spirit.
Yield something like graped and olives do.
Why war when it can be done with money? War wasn’t proposed, money was and annexation.
Stick to the proposal and get with the program.
The US represents a tiny fraction of trade with Greenland and Denmark. The US is unable to exert significant economic pressure on either.
Nobody does business with you.