
Why don’t you back off from that family?

The Cybertruck terrorist was a Trump nut. What a surprise. I approve and I hope more Trump supporters choose to blow themselves up soon.

Seems Trump was right. Disregarded as a second rate American to illegal migrants getting more benefits and programs. Not even allowed to defend his country.

I saw his picture. Just took me one look to know. Holy Spirit.

no matter from which political camp or (non-)religion… a violent nut is just a delusional frustrated desperate human trying to “fix things”

(asking for) violence will never do any good, my dutch brother

How chivalrous of you with your story of throwing some youth in a trash can after disrespecting comments where made to your mother.

What do you deserve now with your comments towards somebody else’s mother and wife doing a very fine job at both?

That was impolite.

And I just tried to offer my support to this guy’s idea of Trump supporters blowing themselves up to “get their point across”. I’m showing solidarity as I totally agree with this idea for Trump supporters.


you want to see ageofgrace blow herself up?

No, but the remaining 77,303,572 Trump voters, including Ben, should feel free. :smiley:

strange, so some care about age but not ben and also no worries about hurting ageofgrace by blowing up her online friend…

how about her husband, other family or irl friends? can they blow themselves up as well?

Nico, you are very irritating. My comment was obviously a lighthearted way of saying I don’t care about Trump supporters. I decline to engage further.

what is obvious or a joke to one can be an emotional trigger to others… just clarifying your childish behaviour

I blew myself up. Had ice cream last night lol. Scratches belly* :pregnant_woman:hahaha!

What about yours? Raiseseyebrow*

Be nice. Reg has every right to speak death to Republicans. Keep in mind, this is the same man who inwardly is conservative but outwardly a liberal. I have no problem with it. May his words be his own blessing.

iam not nice, iam nico? :wink:

naturally, freedom of speech for all!

me neither, i just dont want you to go (even more) beserk and drive your car to canada and run over reg!

I didn’t think you liked being called “Nico.” I can start.

lol call me whatever you want, i really dont care

I am conservative on some things (fiscal policy, balanced budgets, etc.). I am liberal on others (socialist medical care and education). On other things, I’m a mix of liberal and conservative (like defending gay marriage, while finding their lifestyle personally repulsive).

Why do you defend what you find repulsive?

Actually he doesn’t find it repulsive.

Recognize a snide.

Because I don’t believe others should be forced to live my way. I defend your right to support Trump, even though I think he is among the most evil (and repulsive) people in history.