
He and Hillary about to be arrested.

Blah blah blah. Boo hoo hoo.

Don’t you want to see Justice served?

Lol that’s it?? Blah blah blah?

Yes, I would like to see trump in prison.

Blah blah blah. Boo hoo hoo

If Trump goes to prison, it will be because a power greater than himself put him there.

Obama and Clinton are going because they put themselves there.

The NY AG.

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It’s going to take a power greater than the AG but nice try. Prison predictions may be your forté.

We’ll see.

Reg posted something the other day about towers in America. So I was wondering why he didn’t mention…well okay I wasn’t really wondering why. I knew why. So I decided to go find all the amazing Trump Towers. I had no idea how many exquisite towers he has built. Here are 10.

It looks like Kennedy and Nixon had a virtual debate in 1960. Seemed neither one had a problem with it.

Michele, are you aware that Trump did not build and does not own any of those buildings? His name is on them as a licensing agreement from back before everyone hated him.

No. I didn’t.

Are you aware Obama tainted the highest office in the land.

Your highest office has had slave owners, serial rapists, mass murderers, fraudsters, corrupt puppets and orange buffoons in it. It was tainted long before any of us were born.

Now trump has brought shame on the US in front of the world. Good riddance to bad garbage.

Ahh…that’s not very nice. I suppose this would be a bad time to glorify you two for your own works? Oh, nevermind. If I wait long enough you will glorify Obama’s abomination with your Biden vote.

I’ve already voted for Biden.

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