Looks like trump will not do a virtual debate. Possibly because he could be muted. I think that would be fine with Joe, considering he is ahead by 16%. No debate. Joe dosen’t need it and it makes trump look like a wuss.
right wing psychos.
Right now, Biden’s biggest goal should be to not screw up.
I googled. This is a photo of one of them. He looks like he finds people lost in the woods and makes them squeal like pigs.
Edit: found some more of them

I think he could sit back and let trump finish sinking himself.
That’s exactly what he should do. If Trump chickens out of a debate, that’s great for Biden. Harris did all she needed to do. He’s 16% ahead. This should be a crushing landslide unless something changes, and nothing should change if Biden doesn’t screw up.
Michigan gov. to speak at 3pm.
He should have tried to kidnap Harris instead. Or biden.
Was that before or after he respectfully requested he be allowed to finish?
She didn’t answer but since you are such an authority on the Biden policies going forward, does Biden plan to pack the court?
Does Biden intend on banning fracking because Pennsylvania is not going to like that at all.
Possibly because Biden will be able to hide his whires and speakers in a less conspicuous place.
It looks like Deliverance rebirthed.
I do not know but I certainly hope so.
He says no.
He ran long about 20 times and didn’t answer any of the questions he was asked. It was embarrassing. “What color is the sky, Mr. Vice President?” “Thank you for that question. Joe Biden is going to raise your taxes!!!”
Thank you, Dan, for your expert opinion. Their plan is simple and everyone knows it.
If you can’t win by the rules, change them.
He also says yes.
I agree. He has a lot to say, doesn’t he.
Embarrassing? Were we watching the same debate? The only thing embarrassing to me was the way Harris was able to have her way on stage just by saying, “I’m speaking!” Excuse!!! I’m speaking. My time. I have the floor. I’m speaking. My Vice President if you will just be silent, I’m speaking!!! She was rude and arrogant and her condescending smirk was irritating, although I noticed she did less smirking as Pence cornered her on the tough questions about the Supreme Court and fracking.
Pence would speak in his always softest, most calm tone, “If I may finish.” “May I please finish?” Please, if I may finish. He nailed it every time, had an answer for every question and I thought he was outstanding. He doesn’t capture the audience the way Trump does but that’s probably because he’s so reserved emotionally. Trump is electric and I can’t wait to see him on stage again.
You and 36% of others think that. 61% think Harris won.
What sort of loony website are you following now Michele?
Waste of money.
I have an idea. Every public official should be given the minimum public health care available to everyone and be forbidden from buying private coverage. Let’s see how quickly health care improves in the US.
Looks like trump is pissed at barr. Barr will not be releasing any information about the Russian probe before the election. He’d probably fire him but whomever he replaces him will also not be commenting on it.