
I don’t know if that will allow Americans stuck abroad due to the Covid outbreak a faster return. For some people, politics is just shuffling people around. Shuffle them around and act like you planned well and accomplished something. Just by inconveniently shuffling people you can act like you exercised and honed the system and demonstrated careful months of planning. When all you did was inconveniently shuffle people around and slow the system up further.

Might not be good for American military stationed abroad. Some key bases might be told the same thing. Maybe he is trying to make room for troops to return home instead of making room for them abroad.

Agreed. They didn’t even vote on obama appointees.

I hated Reagan. I think he was a horrible president. An incompetent fool who appealed to other fools. He was a good speaker, though, which masked his incompetence to some. Since then, we’ve had three other Republican presidents: HW, W and Trump, each of which was worse than the next. W and Trump were both worse than Reagan. Anyway, modern Republicans now worship Reagan and have turned him into some saintly historical figure even though he was actually a buffoon-like ass. Some group called Republicans Against Trump have leveraged that worship to use against Trump, so perhaps now, 40 years after he was elected and long after he died, Reagan might finally do some good.

I always thought Reagan had Alzheimer’s throughout his second term.

Trump has been blasting fox news lately.
Not many friends lately.

I’m smelling desperation.

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She’s refusing to retire. She knows what’s at stake if Trump gets a third pick.

Tough interview for Trump. Chris Wallace kind of destroyed him.

I stopped watching after a minute. Its too early to give 200% support.

106 days more.

You support trump Mark?

You’d support a roof if it collapsed on you.

that’s a non answer. I’ll just assume you do.

Good thing he lives in California.

It seems the people Trump hurts most support him most strongly.

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This is a stupid move imho. There’s real weakness among Trump’s base right now, but they all agree 100% that we need to ban the bloody darkies. The Democrats could just do nothing and let Trump implode. Instead, they’re giving him something to show his base. “See, the Democrats are trying to implement Sharia Law”. They should just lay low and win.

Biden vowed to reverse the ban on day one. Maybe it’s backwards code. Technically not a lie if you were giving a secret message or command.

Trump just said the pandemic is going to get worse. That is a 180 from when he said it will just disappear a few days ago. He also said to wear a mask. This guy is a disaster. I wonder if the Georgia governor will ever wear a mask.

Use radians