
I’m working a crossword puzzle so I might need more than 35 seconds to get back to you.

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:joy: Hurry back

Here’s a fact for you. I did no such thing. I flat out accused Warren of judging others for the same thing she has done.

Sorry. Busy here. Will get back to you.


Perfect timing! Ta-ta!

I’m with Will.

I like this guy, which means he could never be president, lol.

Michele, I know you love Trump but this is a simple fact. The overwhelming majority of the world thinks he is a fat imbecile and we shudder at the stupidity of Americans for electing such a total buffoon.

Skipping the rest of this thread. Talking about Trump is just not how I want to start my day.

I agree with Will. Even though this guy seems tough as nails, he has a calmness to him. I wish he was our governor. Not a fan of nh governor. The mass governor isn’t horrible for a Republican. I know he didn’t vote for Trump, lol. I guess he didn’t vote.

Graham is now behind by 4% in south Carolina.


If Biden won and Trump, Graham and McConnell all got tossed out of office, I would still be disappointed it wasn’t Bernie but I’d take it. As long as the SDNY then charged Trump with multiple crimes and put him in prison where he would then die of coronavirus.

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and Melania would divorce him and take his money and Ivanka would turn to prostitution. Donald jr. would get eaten by a tjger and eric would once again fail 4th grade.

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…know you have entered the Twilight Zone or have lost touch with reality.

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Right so!
A “lockdown” is as unamerican as communism.

But but but…Trump is a communist, Daniel. A tremendous communist. Everyone says so.

No no no Michele. Trump is a fascist. Get it right will ya? Geeze.

If only I had a more qualified teacher as a child…

I know . . . I know.