
Eric Trump looks like a woman.

All men look like women upside Dusty lol


Honestly, the US is looking like a total banana republic under Trump. They don’t like investigations into their conduct so they threaten to prosecute the investigators, this time the judges of the International Criminal Court.

It’s time to apply the 25th Amendment solution.

That would require that imbecilic clown Pence actually growing a pair.

Really, to me, the hope is Mueller. Trump needs to be impeached and that should give the democrats a good 12 years of power before the US goes crazy again with another Republican.

Stop! Your fantasies are pouring over into my realistic space here. I find it interesting that you can completely ignored the Clinton facts before the election. That you are so desperate to keep moving the global agenda forward that you would even ignore corruption at the highest level of authority. That you turn a blind eye to interference and collusion between our Justice Dept and the Democratic Party against one man running a 2016 campaign. Even tho there were at least 6 in the primaries and none of them were targeted. They meant to stop him before the American people voted for him. They meant to get Clinton in the White House so that all corruption at the highest level continues. Dear God!!! It is disturbing on so many levels to know you can ignore it all in the name of globalism.

What are you on about, Michele? Clinton is not President of the United States. If there is a corruption case to be made against her, let someone call the cops and report it. She is irrelevant now. A private citizen with no power.

I’m interested in the corruption, fraud, sexual assault and conspiracy cases against the President of the United States. I hope he will die in prison.

Call the cops and report it? lol LOLOLOLOL What?

Stay focused, Reg. This entire investigation is about the election. Remember Russia! For every charge against Trump, there will be an indictment against a Liberal for interfering with the 2016 Presidential Election. Trump will not be impeached. Know it!

If he pardons himself, he will definitely be impeached. I’m not sure what is going to happen. This does seem to be taking forever but that’s from an outside perspective. When we go live with a new instrument in the lab, it’s 6 months most likely to get it going and that seems like forever for an outsider, including hospital workers outside the lab. Perhaps something big will come out just before the november elections. Sort of the opposite of Comey. It seems like Trump is or has run out of friends.

They are a bunch of lawyers. I don’t understand why no one cares what they did.

I’m super focused, Michele. I want to see your president impeached, charged, convicted and incarcerated.

If you think Hillary Clinton did something wrong, file a complaint with the FBI. That’s how the system works. The FBI gets a complaint and then investigates it. I believe they will tell you they already investigated it in great detail and found no wrongdoing. I am not aware of any wrongdoing on her part that would justify her conviction.

Tell me, Reg, are you familiar with the Rose Law Firm?

Yeah, I didn’t think so. She has been under investigation since 1983.

And yet no charges? Do you have any evidence that she did anything wrong aside from insane sources speculating that she might have? (that group includes your president)

Edited to add: Even if Clinton is guilty of mass murder and is prosecuted and scheduled for execution, that still doesn’t in any way excuse Trump or his crimes.

Evidence? Are you serious? She’s a damn lawyer, Reg. Her hubby was Governor of Arkansas. He was rubbing elbows with judges, doctors, lawyers and police officers. He was running drugs from Arkansas to Florida. If you are the law, you don’t get busted for crime. You hide the evidence or you kill it.
Her crimes involve Whitewater, Haiti, Benghazi, unprotected email server and countless suspicious deaths, especially deaths labeled suicide, but people don’t shoot themselves in the back of the head or before they lay down on a railroad track. And yet, she has never been bound over for trial on even one charge. I believe there is, at least, a little truth to every story and I find it hard to believe that there could be so many accusations against her and yet none found to be true.

I am not excusing Trump. I am trying to make you understand that this entire thing was a setup to keep Clinton from being charged in the email scandal while simultaneously taking Trump down. What they were doing had nothing to do with his sex life. They turned to his sex life when their spy network failed to produce the result they were hoping for.

So, let me get this straight. You are admitting there is no evidence against Clinton?

No! I’m saying this is not her first rodeo. She’s been destroying evidence for years.