
Good call! Democrats are not going to accept anything short of an impeachment. It is fairly clear to me that they will find a way to, at the very least, impeach Trump and if possible, indict his family. Because the watchword is transparency and even tho Trump has requested the entire report be released to the public, the Left will do their best to make it appear Trump is still hiding something and they must get to the bottom of it. :roll_eyes:

Sounds like a good strategy by the Democrats. Finally.

So if someone is 45 and files a tax return, should they be able to use medicare or do they have to wait 20 years?

I see no reason why a 45 year old can’t pay for insurance. Is there a special reason you would want to give a healthy 45 year old a free service? Do you like the idea of you and I paying more taxes so he can get something for nothing? Isn’t it enough to know that when he really needs it at an older age that there will be funds for it?
Also, if you give the government that much control, don’t you think they will find it easier to force you to pay for something else? And when your paycheck is only10% of your earnings and you can no longer pay your mortgage, will you not seek a way to retain a portion of that money for survival?
I suppose I should expand on the Medicare to include those who are diseased or crippled and unable to work. I like the way our system works now. I just think if healthy people, capable of working, pulled their own weight, everyone who truly needs assistance would get it. Sorry, I’m just weird like that.

I think the best chance of seeing the trump bunch in prison is on state charges when he leaves office, hopefully in the next election.

This is so disappointing! Even with chances of vindication, he is still going to be guilty.

Everyone on the face of the earth is guilty of some infraction against the law except Jesus and if the Left searches long enough, they will probably find something to prosecute him on and really I wish they would because after they finish prosecuting him to the fullest extent over what would most likely be a minor offense, I look forward to seeing justice for all Americans when they prosecute Clinton and Obama for true crimes against the United States.

I know Hillary is guilty of the pedophile ring in the pizza parlor but what do you accuse Obama of?

Guilt by association!

I think when they get into the Deutche Bank records they will find Trump deeply in debt to Russians and hence willing to sell out his country. Nothing they could do to him would be too much. He is a traitor.

I am deeply disappointed with the talk by democrats that they may not seek impeachment. It’s good to convict, imprison and bankrupt Trump but I am vindictive enough that I also want impeachment.

He’s a traitor that didn’t collude with Russia. :thinking:

Come on, Will! Celebrate with me. An innocent man was vindicated and now the real investigation can begin.

I am sickened. Trump won. My only hope now lies with the SDNY.

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I know it’s a bitter (red) pill to swallow but you’re big boys. You need to stop crying and start paying attention to the reason Trump was elected.

They are starting to arrest people. Have you noticed?
How many are wealthy?
How many are Jewish?
How many are Leftist?

Most will be all 3.

They are about to infuriate someone and while I don’t go around following the never ending soap opera known as Q in Twitter, I’ve been told that they keep saying, “Watch the water.”

God practically tells us what’s going to happen if we are wise enough to heed his warning.

“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

“At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

“Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’

“‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’

“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

“Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’

“But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

Matthew 25 1-13

I’m not about to start preaching. I don’t care what you do. If you want to milk this until Rapture, you can and no one is going to stop you but you should know that some of the very last prophecies are being fulfilled.

The most significant prophecy at the moment is this one: For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Luke 8:17

The internet is causing leaks globally. Without the internet, this prophecy could not be fulfilled.

We are suppose to be convinced that those on the Right are going to foil a plan for world dominance. According to the Bible, we are like sheep led to the slaughter.
That’s why it doesn’t really matter to me which side a person is on. Stand with the Right to do right and fight evil where it manifests itself is the right thing to do. But all roads are going to lead to the same question in the end. And we are all going to have to answer it. If you aren’t on the side of Jesus, you’re going to be in a lose lose situation. Like a virgin that failed to be ready with her oil when the Bridegroom came out for her.

I said I wasn’t going to preach. lol. It’s just that the things that are happening keep aligning with scriptures. There are other scriptures that are being fulfilled but if you don’t accept this, it would be pointless to speak on anything else, lest you trample His Word like swine on pearls.

Hillary Clinton imho, eats children for breakfast.
Jeffery Epstein-Epstein Island rumors must hold a little truth.
Rachel Thomas-Survivor? I just heard her name yesterday.
Robert Kraft-Exposed in a massage parlor bust along with former president of Citigroup, John Havens, and private equity investor John Childs.
It appears Florida is a haven for perverts.

Not to be outdone is California, where hundreds have been arrested in one bust.

The Catholic Church has been exposed but apparently it’s not just the Catholic Church that has been hiding secrets. I was told yesterday something has been going on in other churches, including Baptist Churches.
Which explains what Jesus meant with this scripture:

“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
John 4: 21-24

I promise, no more preaching. I have to go anyway. Have a nice day!

I’m sorry! Sometimes I lie. I thought I was leaving for the day.

Try to picture the way Satan works. He imitates God in his work. By God, proven by scientists, water can turn to blood. This is a spiritually natural process. If Satan imitates this process it must be done by some unnatural way, through man. Much like the way natural medicines and man-made medicines are processed.

Satan will use man to make water turn to blood and make it toxic to drink.

Satan, according to the Bible, will be Swift about his actions because he has but a very short time. The speed with which he will work will astonish even those who claim we invented Him our Savior.

Jesus said, “You shall not test the Lord our God” (I’m paraphrasing) to Satan, when Satan tried to temp Jesus.

I do question if Satan commits the ultimate test upon God through man when he uses man to carry out the last prophecy. Satans last act.

If the law, according to the Bible, comes through the Jews, I have no reason to belief anything other than the test will also.

One more thing lol

You know how math is taught by man? Addition then subtraction then multiplication and lastly, division. This is Satans work in time.

With God, it’s more like, addition, subtraction division and multiplication. This is the way God describes the end times in His Word. It’s going to be upon everyone very quickly. Before anyone realizes it’s truly happening. People on the Right are preparing quietly but it will be futile because those on the Left who deny the Truth will take from the Right if they know it’s within their reach. Even if you don’t believe one word if it, you should buy a little extra water when you can.

Really? Where can I find the scientific documentation of this claim.

I sincerely hope you are pleased with this outcome, Michele. I am obviously disappointed and my guess is the others here are, too, but it is what it is and your side won this round convincingly.

I know of no rich Jews being arrested.

I also know of no cases where water turned into blood.

The summary of the Mueller report by Wm. Barr. Barr is a Trump lackey who kissed his ass to get that job. He did his job. I would like to see the full report or at least have it turned over to congress. Trumps assertion that he was cleared is not true. There is still a cloud over the obstruction issue.

I am fully disgusted with tv news now. Two years of breathless speculation leading to this tepid summary. I’ve had it with cable news. I’ll stick to the newspaper. One side of the news is speculation and the other is state tv. Fuck 'em all.

I believe Trump is crooked. Everyone agrees he is a liar. Hopefully the SDNY can put him away for a bit.