Thank you thinki for providing that good read. Pictures would be perfect but I can’t view from Facebook anymore.
Yes you can. The post is public. Just close the login prompt.
Oh. FB hates you. lol. You can beat that by opening the link in an incognito window but it’s not worth the trouble. It’s just a few photos I took of the area.
I’m back in Canada. Toronto to be specific. I’m not happy to be here. I already miss Colombia.
And finally back home in Vancouver. Cloudy, unappealing day. Canada is beautiful, clean, safe and boring. I just feel so much more alive in South America.
I just got around to posting my Vancouver Island photos.
More and more places are discouraging tourism. I get it. I totally sympathize with the places who want to reduce tourists. I just hate it because I love to travel. Thankfully most of this is happening in Europe right now, and I don’t love Europe as much as I love South America. It could spread, though. Hopefully I’ll still be able to see everything I want to see before I die.
This is a big deal to me.
I’ve flown Spirit. It was horrible.
You know what’s really irritating about that. They have to know your life story (Real ID) to fly with them, but if they want to put someone of elite class in a seat, there’s even a little resistance or a passenger says anything they deem offensive, they meltdown in panic mode, throw people off their flight and refuse refunds so seeing an excessive amount of delays and cancellations really should be considered normal.
I don’t know what Real ID is but Spirit just asked for my passport, like all the airlines. No other ID needed.
It’s our life story in a nutshell. Now, why do they have to pry into our personal business unless they profit from sharing with third party companies.
Nobody has ever asked me for a Real ID, Michele. I had never even heard of it before this.
I just use my passport. I don’t have a real id. Spirit is awful. I’ve had good luck with delta and jetblue.
It’s a digital passport to fly in America.
Less invasive, for now.
I googled. If your driver’s license says “Enhanced” then you can fly with it alone. If not, you have to have a passport. Whatever. Seems easier to me.
You’re probably right but why do we need an id to fly when we don’t require one to vote.
Thanks for the insight.
Your positive opinions has convinced me to never fly Spirit.