

This guy totally destroyed this woman. She had to take down her video. She has since apologized. Her apology video was trashed. Comments are disabled on it and her page might be done.

The responder was probably pissed that her video would dissuade guys from going to the gym and totally destroyed her and ruined her “job.” Brilliant.

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She’s a stupid professional victim. Here is her apology.

Sounds like something straight out of Revelation 8.

Sounds like good sense to me. They will repurify the water so it meets international standards for such release. The amount is trivial by ocean standards. Makes sense to release it.


A million tons is not trivial by human standards. Repurify or dilute? And what about the fish? Even if it is “repurified”, it is still toxic and will probably kill everything in that area, which sounds like an ecological disaster to me.

Yes it is. There are 1,450,000,000,000,000,000 tonnes of water in the world’s oceans. A million is a drop in the bucket.

You don’t think a million tons could destroy a third of life in the oceans? It could destroy everything in the Sea of Japan at the very least.

What about the train derailment in Ohio? They released undiluted toxic, cancer-causing waste into the air. You don’t think that sounds eerily like Rev 16?

No, I do not think that. I also think the very idea is foolish. There are 1,450,000,000,000,000,000 tonnes of water in the world’s oceans. A million tons is 1/1,450,000,000,000 of that amount. So less than one part in a quadrillion will be this water that meets all regulatory standards. To put that in perspective, a drop in a bucket is 1/3,000,000, or 483,333 times as much. This water dump is safe and will result in no significant problems anywhere.

Famous last words.

He destroyed another, lol.

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I love this. Some old man wants to go to the gym and get in the trivial workout he is still capable of, just to feel a bit alive for the day, and this stupid cow decides to insult him and attack him. Screw her. If you pick on the weak, don’t complain when someone stronger picks on you.

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She deleted all her accounts.

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What about they guy who went after her? The one that used his audience to gain attention for exposing the stupid cow. It’s a viscous circle in my opinion and the more people hear the worse it gets. Death threats should be taken seriously.

Sure, but the guy who exposed her didn’t threaten her life. I am all for him doing that. If you’re going to pick on the weak, don’t complain when people pick on you. She picked on some defenseless old man who was doing nothing at all to her. She followed him around the gym mocking him on video and posted it to her thousands of followers. Now she doesn’t have thousands of followers. Good.

I don’t care about her losing followers. I consider that the consequences of her action. What about his.

I’m glad she had to delete all her accounts. She could be lying about the death threats. Or not, in which case that’s awful. My guess is she would have deleted all her accounts without the death threats, so at least the outcome is best case scenario.

This cow might have been worse than the previous. The previous wrote an apology. The apology might have been bogus, but at least she was smart enough to lie and probably won’t do that again.

This time, the cow got in arguments with those siding with the bodybuilder and never acknowledged her wrongdoing. She took zero responsibility and didn’t seem to understand that she was the creep.

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Lying doesn’t seem smart, even if it gains the approval of others.

Isn’t that her problem and shouldn’t her conscious be her guide? We aren’t talking about a crime. She has a right to record anyone and send any message she wants to any video she chooses to post. Her followers have the right to scold or praise her post. Now she’s a creep. If she isn’t really a creep, shouldn’t the person that painted her a creep apologize for acting like a creep? Only if she is made to apologize for acting like a dramaqueen.

Amen. I have nothing to add. Perfect assessment.

Nobody is forcing her to issue an apology. I personally would find an apology entirely unconvincing at this point so I don’t think she should bother.


Not just her followers. Everyone has the right to scold or praise her post.


No need, since she really is a creep.

It wouldn’t matter if her apology was both convincing and sincere. Those who shame her for an apology wouldn’t be satisfied with anything less than eternal self-deprecation.

Eww! Creepy!

Now this is what a gym creeper looks like.