The Law

Where’s my heart. It was a good answer and truthful. Gimme my heart!

no hearts for trump the idiot

Do you need coffee? Lord, tell me you haven’t already had coffee this morning.

You’re responses are slower than usual.

I need a refill. Iced coffee.


lookiong at other sites.


going for refill.

mmm good

You’re making it irresistible. Mine isn’t iced but it’s getting cold.

mmm almond flavor creamer. rich and sweet. creamy,

So is French vanilla.

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I used to serve someone who drank iced coffee. My first job. She was a lot like her coffee. Rich and cold.

It’s the only way to go.

Gtg. See ya, Will.


Kinda like the the people Trump has pardoned?

Pardoning is not against the law or have you changed the law since we last spoke?

Now if you want to come at me with a debate on who Trump pardoned and how lawless you think that was, keep in mind other American presidents have pardoned characters who some regard as criminal, starting with Obama and Bergdahl.

Speaking of Obama, I’ve been trying to keep up with the news coming out about the activities taking place during the Obama Administration. If you haven’t been following it, you can’t imagine how far their nefarious works extended. So far, Obama has been mostly shielded. The most corrupt activity was approved, agreed upon and/or carried out by Biden and Clinton.
Last night I watched a video and read an article about a new player that I had never heard of before. His name is Nick Noe and I found him on Twitter so I’m going to follow him for a while and watch his activity.
Not long ago I watched a video about the earthquake in Haiti and I was sure that was the main event that the previous admin has been trying to cover up. Then I read an article about Ukraine and I thought that was the big event. Last night I watched several videos and read an article about Benghazi, a plot to sell weapons to Syrian rebels that went awry and the four Americans who died in that attack. Immediately, I thought this was what they have been hiding. Reflecting on those crimes brings to mind Uranium 1 and what covert activity may have taken place in that deal.