The Law

Hence the compensation through the trade deal. Farmers know how to sacrifice that way.

Did you not read what I wrote?

We’ll see how he does with farmers in 2020.

No. Did you write something worth reading?

What about the trade deal with Canada? The deal where he lost every point, had to make concessions that weren’t previously on the table, and then capitulated totally? That trade deal?

Trump made a better deal with Canada than they had before. What do you care. You’re in Columbia and from your posts, hate everything (especially all the fat people) about Canada anyway.

Hmm. I do not hate Canada at all. I actually consider it to be the best place in the world, at least for me, just as you surely consider the USA to be the best place in the world for you. I just love the planet, including all its regions (except perhaps Holland, no need to go overboard). I love Colombia but there’s far more wrong with it than there is wrong with Canada. Anyway, the world is big. Why not enjoy all of it?

That would require sharing but it does sound good in theory.

See there. No one here cares to share about their country and the last description you gave was about the people.

Michele, I just landed in Medellín a few hours ago from Vancouver with stops in Toronto and Bogotá. I will write about my country. Just give me some time.

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See! The law is to blame, NOT president Trump. America must change the law not the president. Dont blame your overly extended in length divorce on Trump just because Trump managed his ex wife better than you did…
We can all learn from president Trump how to deal with people AFAIK
You should appreciate Trump for what he does for You: lead the path

They should consider Trump King and be done with it. No more needs for “impeachments” nor elections. Just king Trump and being content with it. Everything else is just rebellion. Trump is a god given life-time leader

Fuck trump!

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Language! Rebellious people will fall just like stiffly-necked Israel

Instead of impeachments we need “en-crown-ment”

This was so disturbing I had to post it. Why have laws at all? This guy is basically telling the world that he is the law and that there is no law greater than himself in California and that under his authority, there will be no law against the law accept the laws he chooses. I’m trying to decide what his characteristics are from this article. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. Well educated and articulate but his rebellious attitude indicates he is lawless at heart. It’s difficult to understand how a man like this could become an accredited authority for public service. How can anyone trust a government figure who is suppose to uphold the law when he comes out speaking lawlessness to the citizens of his state and the general public?

More difficult to understand is how trump became president.

Love of country!

Where’s my heart. It was a good answer and truthful. Gimme my heart!

no hearts for trump the idiot

Do you need coffee? Lord, tell me you haven’t already had coffee this morning.