Stock Market

The market has been in a steady decline since October 16, losing roughly 4000 points. Don’t any of you brainiacs know why? I know Trump has a lot of power and influence but if you THINK outside the proverbial Trump box, you must know something bigger than his mouth is taking place.
Is it possible that it could go to zero? :no_mouth:
I wonder if the Federal Reserve will raise rates again soon. :thinking:

No, I think this is all Trump.

Have you all been watching Dogecoin? lol it went from a nickel to .45 cents. I secured 24,000 last week and 10,000 over the weekend.

Rule 1. Never trade after you go to bed. I bought in last night, fell asleep and woke up 3k lighter.

Back during the Trump Administration, I was told that in the future we were going to change the way we make money, that electricity would be free and that high speed internet would reach rural areas, globally. I remember wondering how that would be possible.

This is making important news. Friday, it was around $35.00 a share. I started to buy-in but backed out. It gained over $50.00 in one day, which is rare for a stock that is worth 35.00, but fell by 14.00 before the close of trading. This morning it has already regained that loss. I’m not saying it won’t go into the negative today because it could. I am only saying that it’s a good stock to consider investing in because it’s intention is to do what the name suggests. Acquire the digital world. It belongs to Trump and is linked to his TruthSocial platform, which will go online in November.

In the time it took me to post this, it gained $4.00…

Looks exactly like Twitter, without the Twit.

Buffet sold much of his shares of BYN over what some think is the U.S /China tensions. That doesn’t really make sense because the article states that he takes pride in holding his shares in a company for the long run. I’m not sure what he considers a long run but what if the stock starts tanking? Why would he just keep holding stock? No one in their right mind keeps holding stock when it starts tanking. They get rid of it. Buffet still has 81 million shares I believe, which begs the question, why? He is 93 and probably getting a little senile so age may be catching up to him.
Tell me, Dan, if you had a thousand dollars and you knew for certain you could make a million, would you buy a few shares of stock in a Chinese company?

I would. My morality wouldn’t survive such a test. lol.

I would, but not if I already had 70 billion.

Makes ya wonder why Buffet did or does.

The start of this thread in 2018 mused of the stock market going to zero today it is at around 39,500 high flying NVDIA which Reg mentioned the other day lost 473 billion dollars in valuation over the last few days and is no longer the most valued company in the world. The Mad Money guy on MSNBC says he has known the guy running the show there for 10 years and he says their chips are the best in the business he says it is still a good company.

I never thought it would go to zero, but that’s still only a 6.6% rate of return in six years. It’s ok, but nothing to write home about.

The stock market could go to zero at any time but I’m certain it will never go to zero during a Democrat run presidency. That would reflect poorly on their party.

Too many 6’s. I think there’s a connection.

My portfolio did just fine last year over 10% return Edward Jones in Delta I give them my highest rating but they are totally legit. DJIA hit a record high the other day.

Would you elect and support a politician whom you could become rich from by simply following their stock market portfolio and picks?
What if the person was in an inner circle with insider trading practices?
What if politicians could no longer trade stocks…would you elect and support the same individual(s).

You can follow politicians and invest exactly as they do when they do. Sell also. Which ones would you follow?

I follow Unusual Whales.

That’s not why we elect them or pay for but I certainly don’t have a problem using their picks.

You mean like this guy?

At that point, they are wealthy enough that they wouldn’t need to be elected for anything if their insider trading was cut off. More than likely if that happened they could open a legitimate business like selling fire equipment to owners of direct energy weapons.

Glad Matt said he would not accept the nomination for AG since he spends a lot of time around criminals and he is facing serious allegations himself. If he has proof of crimes by his fellow Congressmen then release the proof he would not be the first person to rat out because he was going to prison himself.

Nancy Pelosi was famous for her stock trades 6O Minutes exposed her. Hillary Clinton and her 50 commodity trades in a row that made money a world record. I trust my stock broker been with him for 7 years and a nice guy.

Just saw on CBC NN that Trump on Truth Social says on his first day in office by executive order he will put a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada which totally violates NAFTA 2.0 which he negotiated with Trudeau. CBC NN spent 20 minutes talking about this Canada has America as its number one export market.

Nothing to do with the above been on
Blue Sky social network for 3 days so far so good. It is free Jack Dorsey who created Twitter created it and Mark Cuban the billionaire endorses it. 21.2 million users mentioned on Skynews, CBC NN, The Guardian and CBS. It leans left and so far no crypto.

Matt Gaetz may run for governor of Florida, which I fully support.

Sure he is, until he’s not.

That’s only until they get control over border crossings. We have to have their cooperation.

lol are you gay?

I am heterosexual and it’s no surprise your daughter dumped you and moved far away I can only wonder what kind of questions you asked her.

The TSX closed at a record high yesterday which is good.

I’m sorry I laughed. I didn’t mean to offend you.

She lives with me.

I never asked her questions. I only shared Jesus with her. That He died on the Cross for our sins. But after I told her there was no other name by which we can be saved and that without Him we will die in our sins and go to Hell, I was told I spiritually scared her, according to her therapist. That was never my intention. I do hope that doesn’t spiritually scar you or anyone else.