Trying to start a new looks thread without the terrible meltdown it caused before.
If you want upgrade on looks mostly on the skin deep superficial, this is the thread. I’m looking to get my best facial looks this year.
Keep in mind you can spend a lot or just a little money. Some of beauty and handsome features might cost you an unpleasant experience and I’ll tell you up front In don’t do facial care for simply glamour reasons.
You can have both horrible and handsome looks.
You can start simple. This is a free wipe I had from a hotel stay. I already washed my face in the morning and showered later, but the air quality is poor and dirty today and I went to the gym and sweat. It’s cold and I don’t want to run the sink so I just held this wipe in front of a small space heater before using it.
These two creams I purchased from dollar tree. A know brand and the scents arent overly powerful and unpleasant although I do prefer unscented lotions and creams. One is a day cream and one is a night cream. I paid $1.25 each. Even with my face I don’t have to use much. And after daily use for about a week I have considerable improvement. That wipe is alcohol free so no excessive drying. Oil free.
I spent a lot more money last time for pearl, gold, diamonds, and even bee venom and some star trek phaser neck lift device.
But you can do the same. For about 20 dollars you can have a absolute treasure chest of glow up items and improve your health and looks. These could be used both daily or alternating day and night. You can easily get 1 month if not 2 months from these. These things are loaded with good stuff. Read the labels when you shop.
nice, will you try to look like michael jackson?
Are you sure you are a man?
Did you ever read Charlotte’s Web? Wilbur the pig washed in buttermilk to wom the blue ribbon at the fair.
What you can do as a pig is reciprocated as a man. Invest more and reclaim to become more.
The book you reference is a fiction book for children read it and watched the play. Nothing of practical value in it for adults.
Get back on topic. Butter can really make you stink. Maybe you can make a milk bath with just one gallon of whole or skim milk added to the water and float some rose petals on top. Be nice and soothing to you since you can’t wipe or use a water jet back there due to pain and neglect.of rash. Maybe you might be able to clean it after a good soak and it would ease your sores and blisters.
I am not using any type of moisturizer or skin product other than a bar of soap and some chapstick today. I did make progress but of course there is bad with the good but it’s just something to work with. As for body skin all In have been using are lotions (lighter with more water) thicker creams )creams are supposed to have more oil) and just oils. I tend to spread both with some water after showering or adding a small amount of water to make applying much easier. For application I use a trash can liner plastic bag for my back and hard to reach areas. The moisturizer products do seem to dry out quickly in this weather with dry white skin often showing up faintly after a few hours. Sweating releases them again from the pored or you can just recharge with water.
Here are 2 cheap products I had that have lasted forever. That jar was only 4.99. one is a Vaseline product the other is dermasil, both are cocoa butter. I prefer unscented but it is hard to find and the alcohol carries the smell in a way I don’t like. I like to let these dry out before putting in clothes as they tend to smell too much wet on clothes. After a while when the skin chemistry balances out the smell is almost not noticeable except when closely smelling the skin. Vaseline by itself meaning just straight up petroleum jelly is just way too greasy and it always tends to dry out the skin more for me the next day. With a cream it is more balanced and gel like and keeps a nice sheen. My back has a glow like a lion with this and the tanning I have done. The dermasil is also good but the Vaseline is just a better texture and the right mixture. It is also darker as you can see in the jar compared to the cap which is about as white as the other tube., maybe it is the air exposure.
My progress with my shins. If you look closely you can see the dry skin crocodilian pattern. These were much worse. You can lookup dry skin shins and see some of the worse cases of thick dark even black scaly skin on white skin. Mine were just as bad some days and I often used to just let them burn in the hot sunshine for a full work shift sitting. I don’t know why everything looks green. I didn’t use any of those green chamomile oils or the painkiller I have.
Oddly I have a very powerful, deceptive, and fast low kick that hits with a stun blow like an gator or croc. All I did for a couple months was daily or almost daily application and occasional harder wash cloth scrub. Sometimes just strokes with a washcloth in one direction with pressure. It’s necessary . Sometimes the skin feels so tight it is like a crab molt.
It’s good to work with a variety of products. A lot are aloe vera infused or some more pure gel. I dont particularly like the smell of aloe vera and it tends to burn on the skin especially the gel for me. But I am finding old tubes and sticks and jars as I do some cleaning and organizing. Note my skin change here. It’s quick just like some metals rusting with a simple brush of solution of vinegar, salt, H2O2. also mood changes temperature and even the smallest amount of electricity can trigger it like oxide or rust blueing.
These are my “hands” before you start your finger length superiority or short on fingers comment i have all 10 and 10 toes and all of yours combined resistance will rip off before one of mine does under the same tension. Every time I moisturize my hands it feels like they want to split.
These are seconds apart with no lighting change after an application. It’s hard to moisturize your hands at night knowing you can’t keep them off your cell phone in bed.
Here’s my face after a shower and that day cream. I massaged it in thicker and it took considerably more work to make all the white disappear. My face was dry and white in some spots when I woke up and it is red and irritated from using a space heater. I didn’t filter these, the phone camera must do it automatically for some reason. But this is about 45 minutes after drying. It looks smooth here but I didn’t sleep well and my face is looking more red and puffy with the irritation today with bumps showing. It does dry out , but a little brisk walk or just wet down and it comes out of he pores and can be spread again.
I’m using one other magic product regularly and an oil maybe a week or two ago. I want to compare with the oil.
Also I’ll address flaws and imperfections and what I’m doing to improve looks. What I want is heart shapes. Emoji and anatomical.
This is my other secret magic product and it was purchased for a mere $1.25. No, it doesn’t have diamond powder like the other undereye product I had, but that was way more expensive and the diamonds made my eyes scratch and hurt. I don’t need anymore.
But this worked literally in one night. I mean noticeable, very noticeable difference. It says apply twice daily but I have been only using it once before bed, before I put on the night cream for face. It rolls on just like a ball pen. It seemed stuck at first and hard to tell if it was applying. I shut my eye tightly to give it more traction, but it is unnecessary now. Just a quick shake and it rolls on smoothly and it doesn’t take a lot. I even use this on my upper eye orbit and lid since the skin is more similar to other areas of the face. 3 in 1 treatment for dark circles, puffiness, fine lines and wrinkles with peptides, vitamins, and green tree extract. Won’t clog pores. It has a ton of of stuff in it if you find one and read the back label. The brand is Skin Nutritions.
Don’t laugh, this isn’t effeminate or gay. It’s confidence building especially if you are the type who has close calls with violence. Think Batman and Robin. Robin’s mask was just eyewear and I the latest Batman , Bruce Wayne portrayed himself as a drug addict insomniac with sunken eyes.
Why is it a disguise at all? Because you can’t tell as much you have been in a fisticuffs the next day.
Dude you have many problems your skin is not one of them.
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Problems spill over. If you’ve got cancer of any type I fully expect it to come my way. I can’t explain the weakness and pain I am in some days. It’s just sharing the burden. I need to get out from under it.
Besides I have a covenant of sorts.
It’s good for me to use bandages and disinfectant whenever I have a wound. This spray goes on extremely clear and I smoothed it out with a glass/plastic applicator I had. I have used other spray wound care before including 'flesh color" that dried looking like some diseased pus. Actually some triple antibiotics aren’t the best I have heard as they kill everything including repair cells. Better just 2 at most and let some bacteria heal it like bread. Just keep it covered and moist so the cells can bridge. I even tried home made remedies like turmeric and honey and garlic.
Super glue is ok in an emergency, but it will be a while before you can pick it off. Small things add up.
One scratch like this and some flesh eating bacteria could cost you your leg amputated in less than a day.
I always believed it was just making evident some underlying health issue that just was way past redemption.
Don’t get me wrong here. I don’t spend nearly as much time on a daily skin routing as I have seen people on YouTube so. It’s messy and time consuming. Often times after a scrub and shower and skin hydration I throw on work clothes covered with dust and accumulate a lot of dirt, plant, saw dust etc. even crush insects and spiders and ground them into my skin.
I get ice cream problems too and I can’t use these products much in summer…like I said it spills over.
So no moisturizer/cream/lotion and not even lip balm today. Just letting the skin breathe. Still have something special, it’s a drying out day for any surprise acne or even pimples (yes, occasionally I will still get a pus filled zit that should have been outgrown decades ago)
First was a good wipe down with these face wipes which are not dude wipes but b•pure wipes compare to dude wipes. You can see only 1.25 and how it might be difficult to tariff these.
Lots of good stuff in these to feel fresh and smell that way.
Next was these two tubes. One is an athlete’s foot cream I am using for “dry white skin” on the sides of my nose. Apparently from research this is actually a fungus that keeps growing and never goes away. I have some tool somewhere I have to find, but it’s not that bad with a q-tip, it can be noticable if left for weeks without any scrubbing or moisture.
The second is an adult acne medication. I didn’t use it in a particular spot but all over my face and neck. It has bentonite and I have used bentonite clay before also if you can read iron oxide. So it is like metal clay.
Also doing a gum treatment I’ll explain in the hi smileage thread.
But it’s the only mask I’m wearing. Looks kind of like the movies.
Just read in the Vancouver Sun that flesh eating disease cases are on the rise. Still rare but life changing and sometimes fatal for those who catch it. It as you state can be caused by a small cut but can also just happen.
Terrible way to lose weight.