I think this is needed. Not specifically at this site, but I’m sure everyone is about sick of these types of people trying.
Also hope for those who have been scammed from turning into a scammer themselves.
Its sunny today and I did climb up gorilla ladder and do some work from the roof but it is t why I am so burned up.
Yesterday, and then again today. The scammer calling my mother and then possibly even ringing my phone to tie up the line. It caused a bad argument here, but I was left wondering why she kept talking to this person and even after calling the bank directly and cancelling her card why did she listen to this person again today and give information. I’m glad I coincidentally am around when these things happen but why do people just give in?
I have theories why. I also have some measures to stop these people.
Anyone want to share a story or something you did to recover or full proof yourself next time around?