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Well said Reg and I agree.

Well. We are only buying 1 hot tub, so thereā€™s that. She is buying it actually. Of course that is more work for me. Ground leveling, electrical. My guess is we will pay close to the same.

The mirror sale did not go well today. It was like taking to Michele.

I offered to drop it off at her house today after work for 20 dollars. It should probably be sold for at least 40. Probably worth 60. I cleaned it up nicely. I get a message this morning asking if I will accept 10 dollars instead of 20. 2 hours later I tell her someone at work bought it for 15. She said. Wow. I would have bought it for 20. So I gave her a thumbs up. 2 hours later she tells me itā€™s not cool and we had an agreement. So, I said next time she might want to wait to actually see something in person before haggling and if I was going to sell it for 10 bucks, I would just donate it to someone. She went off and told me how awful of a person I was.

I deleted the convo and never sold it. I would rather let it collect dust or give to a friend. Someone will take it. Not her.

Wow! Iā€™m a horrible person.

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I hate selling stuff for that exact reason. People are knobs. EBay is good because you donā€™t have to talk to people but then you have to get into shipping stuff and thatā€™s just as big a pain.

True. I just bought a charger on Ebay. She did a great job. I thought the same thing. I donā€™t sell anything expensive enough to deal with the pain of shipping.

I have to admit, I buy on Amazon whenever possible instead of eBay, mainly because of the no-hassle, no-question returns. I also love Prime shipping. Say what you like about Bezos, heā€™s come up with a huge improvement in the customer experience compared to alternate purchasing mechanisms.

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Donā€™t be too hard on yourself Michelle, thatā€™s our job.

I think Michele would have been friendlier in this interaction.

I also talked to my neighbor and she legit complained that her house is having more water funneled towards it since we moved in. I believe her. She could build a moat. She wants me too put some bushes on our property line. I assume to absorb water but actually that wont help the ice rink that forms in the winter and now touches her house. Her house is in awful shape. Iā€™d like her to sell actually. She doesnā€™t live there. I donā€™t really dislike her. I voted for her but I canā€™t believe she ran for a town official. She is not friendly at all. She realizes it is not my fault she is getting water against her house but I guess she wants me to do something besides tell her to build a moat. I guess Iā€™m an a hole today.

Quote for 8x8 level crushed stone 6 inches compacted is 600 dollars. Much cheaper than I expected.

All those little disputes with neighbours are another reason I like apartments. lol. Are you going to do what she wants? The bushes I mean.

I would do my best to help. Once the landscaper does the 8x8 I will ask their advice. I wont spend a lot though. Iā€™d rather help her with the moat lol. She seems more concerned with the leaking roof and the tenants that have to live there. She bought it for 75000 2 years ago. Iā€™d try to sell it for 150000. She is delusional. She put it out there for 350000 lol. Best case would be her tenants leave in January. She canā€™t rent it to anyone dumb enough to rent it for 1800 a month and decides to sell in the spring when the ice rink is gone.

Sheā€™s a strange woman but I donā€™t dislike her. Or the neighbors behind me.

I have met rednecks in this town though and many who look down upon Massachusetts folk. I used to be the opposite but both states are pretty good. Iā€™m not sure I will ever love the town but I do like some thing. For NH, it is nice and I see more mass folks coming here.

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That paragraph pretty well answers the question about why the rednecks arenā€™t friendly to Mass. transplants.

Just saw this and thought of this thread.

I should clarify when I say rednecks, I mean racists. Iā€™m not interested in being nice to them.

It is your right to asseverate the egregious flaws in my character. It is my right to evaluate the expeditious intercourse you and I engaged in last night.

just a quickie huh?

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While it was brief, it was also awful for me but I canā€™t deny the validity of your declaration. In all my righteousness, I am nothing but dirty, filthy rags. If exposing my unattractive mannerisms ameliorates your own character, itā€™s a small sacrifice.

While there was truth in your story, it was vapid and uninspiring, probably stemming from your own listless character.

On its face it emanated testicular fortitude but lacked stimulation make the whole repugnant encounter uncomfortable and undesirable for me.

I see you have found a thesaurus.

I do commend you for trying to improve your vocabulary.

Learned a new word today.