
I agree. I see no racism here at all.

I can see the writing in the wall. If 10 million people die, they are going to blame Trump for cutting funding to The WHO. I suppose I need to watch this and see what happens. It made me wonder and now Iā€™m getting curious, is the WHO our only source for global medical assistance? Surely, we are not that dependent on them. Iā€™ll go google. Surely there are other sources to assess.

Africa coronavirus cases could hit 10 or 100 million, as could case loads anywhere, but the fact remains their case load is quite low right now.

yes luckily and surprisingly not many cases in africa yet, looks like countries with higher temperatures all have low case numbers

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So we should shoot for some more global warming?

It is funny that everyone is suddenly in favour of disposable masks and gloves everywhere. The oceans will have to wait for awhile to be cleaned up.

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I do. I see your racism. Maybe not racism in the conventional haters way. No. Your type of racism is more like racist undertones. I donā€™t have time to go hunt down your semi-racist posts but donā€™t think youā€™re going to get off that easy. You will open that fat mouth of yours soon enough and when you do Iā€™m going to stick that racist undertone down your throat and make you eat it.

I love a good christian quote. Letā€™s see. Was the first or second MIchele?

Does racism have to come with power to be racism? If it doesnā€™t, is that bigotry instead. I listened to a black man on npr say he couldnā€™t be racist, because he had no power. I mean, I think he was wrong. I would consider Louis farrakhan to be racist.

No way. Tons of people hated Obama because he was black. That was racism even though the racists had less power than Obama.

Iā€™m quite sure you just have a very different definition of racism than I do, Michele. I remember awhile ago you posted that some black guy attacking a white guy was racist even though his motive wasnā€™t race. I didnā€™t (and still donā€™t) find that racist, nor do I find a white person attacking a black person racist unless their motive is race. I have no idea what you mean by my racist undertones but if you consider me racist, thatā€™s fine with me.

Reg doesnā€™t need you to defend him. He has volunteered himself to choose the 5%. Why are you sticking your nose in it?

Because I can. You donā€™t like it?

Not at all. Youā€™re distracting.

Itā€™s a public forum. Sticking your nose in it is what forums are for.

Iā€™m quite sure I donā€™t.

I believe you are but in fairness, itā€™s fine with me as well. Iā€™m sorry I was so rude about it. I know you probably donā€™t know when you do it.

I never said he couldnā€™t. Why are you answering for him?

I didnā€™t answer for him. I stuck my nose in it, which is what public forums are for.

lol okay

Thatā€™s fair and Will isā€¦nevermind.

I happily speak for myself. Did you have a question?